Rena Ryg, Rika Furude, Satoko Hj, Mion Sonozaki, and their twin sister Shion are among the classmates Keiichi Maebara makes friends with after relocating to the town of Hinamizawa in June 1983. The ye...
7.90 7.90 543The comedy series centers on the antics of Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student at Bunkyo, Tokyo's famed Ouran Academy, an exclusive private school for wealthy children. Haruhi discovers the Host Clu...
8.20 8.16 447In opposition to Vetti's recently established empire is the People's Army, led by Michel. Michel seeks to convince Glass Battleship commander Cleo to aid the People's Army in overthrowing Vetti's king...
6.80 6.56 511The main character of Utawarerumono, Hakuowlo, is a masked man who one day is discovered by a family of two daughters and their grandmother in a forest close to their hamlet. They take him to their ho...
7.10 7.63 315The first year of high school at Yamasaki Academy is exciting for Eriko and her pals Yuma and Ayano. When they tour the school before to the opening ceremony, their excitement causes them to disobey t...
6.58 544San-kyuu Renkin Magical? Four young girls' daily lives are followed in Pokaan. They are everything but typical, which is the only catch. The joyous witch-in-training Uma, the motherly robot Aiko, the ...
7.50 6.97 505Nagisa Aoi enrolls in St. Miator's Girls Academy, one of three elite all-girls schools on top of Astraea Hill, to start her new school life as a transfer student. When Nagisa gets lost on her first da...
7.10 7.28 467A seemingly innocent tea party is transformed into mega technological mayhem when two imperious aristocrats compete for the affections of a lady. ...
6.08 279