Set in 17th-century Henan Province, China, the story follows three teenagers who are sent to a Shaolin Temple to master Kung Fu. Their mission is to combat a fearsome Demon, unseen since the Sui Dynas...
6.00 7.80 108Wilbur, the pig, is terrified of the end of the season, as he knows it will inevitably lead to him becoming a meal. He devises a plan with Charlotte, a spider residing in his pen, to prevent this fate...
6.30 6.20 188Dibo is big, really big .... but he is the ultimate benefactor. He is the big brother that all kids dream about. When he greats friends, he squeezes himself to be smaller so that he can look eye-to-ey...
7.90 7.70 122Assy McGee, a violent and mentally disturbed police detective who also happens to be devoid of an upper torso, head, or arms, is the focus of the show. Although Exeter, New Hampshire, is more like a l...
5.50 311A year has passed since the events of My-Otome when My-Otome Zwei takes place. Although still under Miss Maria's instruction since she hasn't earned enough credits to graduate, Arika is now a full-fle...
7.10 7.25 433Oscar the Grouch is visited by three ghosts in an attempt to teach him the true meaning of Christmas....
6.20 502Tohru Soma belonged to the hacker community "Steppen Wolf." In order to stop cyberterrorism, the gang decided to launch one more hacking effort against FLAK, a major military institution run by the UN...
5.70 6.43 521An animated series about a recent graduate of an Atlanta performing arts school who decides to give up an exciting singing career to become a music educator....
6.50 408In the far future (about 6000 AD), Humans have colonized the whole galaxy and divided into the Galactic Union and the Deague, two groups that are presently at war with one another. Both groups have cr...
6.70 7.04 496Oscar the Grouch is visited by three ghosts in an attempt to teach him the true meaning of Christmas. ...
6.01 297