A direct sequel to Shikabane Hime Aka, it takes place six months after Tagami Keisei was murdered by an elite Shikabane group known as the Shichisei (Seven Stars), who act without regard to regrets. I...
7.10 7.28 502Reimu Hakurei, a shrine maiden, works tirelessly to ensure that supernatural happenings involving the mythical youkai remain as rare as possible in the secret magical realm of Gensokyo. She organizes ...
7.21 563Zeke Palmer is an imaginative artist and skateboarder who lives with a weird and wacky family. His Pad is an amazing electronic gadget that is a mobile phone, PDA, GPS, MP3 player and a drawing tablet...
7.20 7.50 123This two episode OVA retelling of the first Da Capo series with the "what if" Asakura Jun’ichi were to return Shirakawa Kotori’s feelings. ...
7.12 527Followed by Ursus, small furry creature and biggest chatterbox of all time, Rahan, a young prehistoric hunter, pursues the dream that one day "those-who-walk-upright" will live in peace. ...
7.40 7.50 16In this animated series, Garfield, the iconic lasagna-loving cat, resides in the quaint town where his owner, Jon Arbuckle, lives. Throughout the episodes, Garfield embarks on whimsical adventures, ex...
7.60 7.90 121Movie based on the 2007 TV anime with an original plot....
4.07 191Azaka Kokutou, a student mage, is sent to investigate strange events at Reien Girls' Academy. Another mage is stealing the students' memories using invisible fairies. Azaka's friend Shiki Ryougi, who ...
7.24 7.45 333On Christmas Eve, the Muppets go to the post office in New York City to deliver each of their letters to Santa Claus (Richard Griffiths). When they head back to their apartment, Gonzo discovers that t...
6.03 385The feuding Miser Brothers attend their family reunion with Mother Nature and their fellow siblings North wind, Earthquake, Thunder and Lightning, and the Tides. North Wind passively asks Mother Natur...
6.01 229Goro briefly returns to Japan after a triumphant campaign in the US. He is heading towards Fukuoka where he played baseball when he was a fifth grader. Having just moved into a new town, this is where...
7.67 7.96 293A young boy seeks to prove to his friend that Santa Claus exists by capturing him. Coincidentally, an ancient enemy of Santa awakens with the same intention. ...
4.01 291