Yomi Takanashi is a shy, reserved girl that Mato Kuroi just so happens to run across on the first day of junior high school. In an effort to get to know Yomi, Mato makes every effort to strike up a co...
6.40 6.81 537The film follows a group of kids living on the same block, including Tommy, Sofia, and Ralph, who are haunted by a talking dog named Labby, characterized by his black fur and red eyes. Labby takes the...
7.50 6.40 110The show centers on the antics of Aya Akabane, a chubby and conceited high school student who continually strives to outperform her peers in everything (particularly sex-related topics), only to embar...
5.40 6.16 659The story follows two endlessly optimistic best friends, Gary and Joel, as they navigate the challenging world of adolescence without any parental support. Gary's father abandoned him long ago, leavin...
7.20 7.60 90The action takes place in the far future on the planet Amoi, governed by Jupiter, a supercomputer. The light-haired aristocratic class is permitted to temporarily own the dark-haired "mongrels" as pet...
6.00 6.57 500Around the world, technology has advanced since AD 2046, and ingenuity is driving this growth. Since the development of extremely robust cardboard that can withstand every hit while maintaining the in...
6.80 7.03 559The series is inspired by the 2004 film Napoleon Dynamite and follows the quirky adventures of Napoleon and his family and friends as they navigate small-town life in rural Preston, Idaho. The origina...
6.60 6.80 117"Inu X Boku Secret Service" (also known as "Inu x Boku SS") is an anime series based on the manga of the same name. The series blends elements of romance, comedy, and supernatural themes. The story...
7.00 7.40 468The ancient Roman architect Lucius Modestus is looking for work because he struggles to come up with fresh concepts. His buddies attempt to take him to a bathhouse for him to unwind as his attitude an...
6.10 6.97 478Yuuta Segawa has just begun his first semester in college. One day, his sister Yuri, who raised him after their parents passed away, requests him to watch for her three girls when she and her husband ...
7.00 7.27 484The plot centers on the daily activities of three school buddies from Sanada North Boys High School named Tadakuni, Hidenori Tabata, and Yoshitake Tanaka, as well as their many encounters with other s...
7.80 8.24 557