Three magical girls known as Tres Magia protect the town where Utena Hiiragi resides. Like many others, Utena admires these courageous heroes who fight for justice. One day, a mysterious black mascot ...
6.77 7.32 410The film will follow an original story supervised by Tatsuya Endo, the Spy x Family manga creator. Unlike the television series, the movie’s plot will turn away from the original manga....
920The second season of Da Wang Rao Ming....
621Sakuta Azusagawa, a high school student, encounters young actress Mai Sakurajima while she is disguised as a bunny girl and wanders around a library unnoticed by anybody else. This encounter causes hi...
552In the 23rd century on Mars, private investigator Aline Ruby and her android partner, Carlos Rivera, investigate a murder case. ...
7.60 202Minno’s five-episode mini-series (that is, a series of short episodes), Young David, explores the early life of Israel’s famous king. In these five-minute episodes, the teenage shepherd tends to h...
7.50 349When Boog and Elliot discover an abandoned Summer Camp in the middle of nowhere, they embark on a brave new adventure of creating a safe and special place to live that welcomes animals of every kind. ...
8.00 8.30 32Driven by a dream of revenge against those who made her an outcast in Edo-period Japan, a young warrior cuts a bloody path toward her destiny.a...
9.10 496Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, Takeru Takashi, Hikari, and Ken find themselves faced with the challenge of balancing their newfound responsibilities alongside their Digimon partners. However, their lives take...