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The Danger Rangers are a team of six animal heroes, accompanied by their robot, Fallbot, and their artificial intelligence, SAVO. They focus on teaching children about safety by addressing various exa...
7.80 7.70 117Danger Mouse is a classic animated series that follows the adventures of the world’s greatest secret agent mouse, Danger Mouse, and his bumbling sidekick, Penfold. Operating under the command of Col...
6.40 6.10 118Darkwing Duck follows the adventures of the titular superhero, Darkwing Duck, who is also known as Drake Mallard in his secret identity. He lives a dual life: as a superhero fighting crime in the city...
6.40 6.30 127Denver, the Last Dinosaur begins with Jeremy and his friends—Mario, Shades, Wally, Casey, and Heather—visiting the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. During their visit, they encounter a gang of bul...
6.70 7.70 122David and Lisa chronicles the exciting global adventures of David and his wife, Lisa. As they journey around the world, their primary mission is to save animals in peril and confront various trolls th...
7.00 6.50 112Dino Babies is a British animated series that follows the adventures of six young dinosaurs. The show focuses on their playful and imaginative stories as they navigate their prehistoric world. Each ep...
7.50 7.00 126In the initial episode, "Lost My Marbles," Hacker infects Motherboard with a computer virus. While examining a computer at a library on Earth, Jackie, Matt, and Inez (who inadvertently released the vi...
8.00 7.10 77Dexter, a brilliant boy with glasses, hides a secret laboratory behind a bookcase in his bedroom. He accesses the lab using spoken passwords or hidden switches on his bookshelf. Despite his intelligen...
6.10 7.00 121Shorty McShorts is a young boy who is hesitant to share his secret power with his friends and family. This power allows him to control the consistency of his stool. Shorty McShorts is considered an ex...
6.50 6.60 101The show chronicles the playful and mischievous escapades of a monkey named George. ...
6.90 6.50 131