Misaki, a well-known student at Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3, passed away unexpectedly in the middle of the academic year in 1972. Due to the students' and teacher's behavior, which was c...

7.50 7.49 510

The plot revolves around high school student and band vocalist Kamikurata Kyouta and how he discovers a secret war being fought by mythical girls with supernatural abilities. Later, Kyouta teams up w...

6.00 6.08 548

In the far future, the "Shadow Angels" are a menace to humanity once again,  mystical creatures that have been absent for 12,000 years have reappeared. They invade human towns and enslave the locals ...

6.40 7.10 392

Crime and action abound in the technologically superior archipelagic nation of Cremona, which was modeled after the actual Italian city of Cremona and other Lombard cities like Milan. One of the main ...

7.10 7.21 552

After discovering that Koichi, a young student, is the reincarnation of an extraterrestrial protector who took on the role of "defender of the Earth," Koichi/Babel joins forces with three other superp...

5.30 5.74 545

In 1711, a group of alchemists summon a demon aboard the ship Advenna Avis in an effort to attain eternal life. The spellcaster Maiza Avaro receives the elixir's recipe from the demon, along with inst...

8.20 8.38 471

1614 AD is the year. Ten men from each of two rival ninja clans, each of which backs a son of Hidetada Tokugawa for the position of the future shogun, are sent to engage in a life-or-death struggle ov...

7.80 7.55 370

The three yokai (supernatural creatures) Bem, Bela, and Belo, who travel to a huge coastal city, encounter an awful atmosphere that has been produced on by immoral human behavior and mischief committe...

5.90 6.05 417

Akihito Kanbara, a sophomore in high school in the literature club, considers himself to be a "Meganest." Although he looks to be human, he is actually part Ymu, which renders him immortal and immune ...

7.20 7.74 518

Ten years after the Hong Kong Holy War, Mochizuki Jirou, also known as the Silver Blade, the lone hero who battled and beat the Kowloon Children despite losing his lover, travels to Japan with his you...

6.90 7.11 574