"Loveless" is a fantasy and romance anime series based on the manga of the same name. The series involves elements of action, mystery, and explores mature themes within a complex world. The story r...

6.80 6.78 442

As a result of a childhood accident that put his life in danger, Shiki Tohno was taken from his family and placed to a relative to raise him. Shiki's father, the head of the Tohno home, passes away ye...

6.90 6.84 616

Born of legendary origins, the young Madara has grown up in obscurity as an apprentice blacksmith. An encounter with the demonic Mouki reveals his destiny, and catapults him into the middle of a mysti...

6.40 6.03 395

The two leads switch off over the first half of the series. Margaret Burton is a sleepy, clumsy amnesiac residing in Nafrece, a nation modeled after France, while Madlax is one of the most effective s...

7.20 7.03 336

The "Magical Girl Raising Project," a widespread and well-liked social network game, offers participants a 1-in-10,000 chance of becoming a magical girl in real life. Each of the magical girls has her...

7.10 6.96 530

Punie is the next candidate to rule Magical Land as queen. She enrolls in a school in Japan because she must spend a year on Earth before she can assume the kingdom. She is often a kind and polite gir...

6.70 6.94 453

To combat the growing threat posed by vampires and their synthetic blood source, the Japanese government establishes a new army unit called "Code Zero" in 1923. All vampires are given the same option ...

6.10 6.61 483

In the 1920’s, Inaho resurrects a vampire named Mosquiton with her blood. He awakens and becomes her slave. Now, Inaho is after the O-Part, which will grant her immortality. However, a bunch of supe...

6.20 6.66 490

Kuroto Nakano is a young salaryman who lives an extremely stressful and unhappy existence that is nearly fully consumed by his work at the company he works for. After yet another day of excessive labo...

6.80 7.34 662

Mei Ayazuki, a high school student, is sent to the Meiji era by the traveling magician Charlie on the night of the red moon, where she meets various historical personalities and is given the opportuni...

7.30 7.02 521

The Shinjuku Ward Office's Nighttime Regional Relations Department has just accepted Miyako Arata as a new employee. One such department, created to lessen paranormal and occult-related phenomena, exi...

6.70 6.73 543

Miko is an ordinary high school student whose world is turned upside down when she starts to encounter horrifying and repulsive creatures all of a sudden. Miko, who is utterly afraid, goes about her e...

7.20 7.46 472