The host of the children's program Together with Maman's fitness portion is 31-year-old former professional gymnast Uramichi Omota (a parody of Okaasan to Issho). He tries to maintain a positive attit...

7.20 7.70 547

"Little Busters!" is a comedy-drama anime series based on a visual novel of the same name developed by Key. It blends elements of slice-of-life, drama, and supernatural themes. The story revolves a...

6.80 7.49 485

"Little Busters!: EX" is an eight-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series that acts as a spin-off to the main "Little Busters!" series. The OVAs introduce and elaborate on the storylines of thre...

7.40 7.71 434

The plot of this shonen comedy, which is set in the Kanagawa Prefecture, revolves around Keitar Urashima's attempts to keep a promise he made to a little girl to enroll them both in the University of ...

6.90 7.11 515

"Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club" is a spin-off of the popular "Love Live!" franchise, which centers around groups of schoolgirls who become idols to save their schools. In this series,...

7.20 7.53 529

"Love Live! School Idol Project" is a popular musical slice-of-life anime that revolves around a group of high school girls forming an idol group to save their school from shutting down due to a lack ...

7.20 7.41 532

The anime centers on four girls at the full bloom of their youth, working hard to achieve their dreams as they struggle valiantly. In Japanese entertainment, Maesetsu! refers to an introductory talk o...

5.80 5.81 559

Yusaku Godai, a 20-year-old college candidate, stays at Maison Ikkoku, a dilapidated and aged boarding home in the Japanese village of Tokeizaka, where the majority of the action occurs. Despite being...

8.20 8.19 521

Shinkawa, a city bordering Tokyo's Sumida River, serves as the setting for the town where the main character Rei Kiriyama resides. The residence of the Kawamoto family is located in Tsukuda, which is ...

8.30 8.39 505

A look at several friends as they look for and hopefully find the one they will be compatable with leading to marriage. ...

4.10 5.29 362

Kuroto Nakano is a young salaryman who lives an extremely stressful and unhappy existence that is nearly fully consumed by his work at the company he works for. After yet another day of excessive labo...

6.80 7.34 661

The show centers on introverted Aki Shiina, who is frequently harassed and misidentified as a girl due to his feminine appearance. Ayaka Sunohara, the motherly caretaker of the Tokyo lodging house Sun...

6.40 6.80 565