The protagonist of the tale is 15-year-old high school student Kenichi Shirahama, a longtime victim of bullying. He befriends Miu Frinji, a transfer student, early on in the novel. Wanting to learn mo...

8.10 8.06 466

The Demon Slayer Corps members are still greatly affected by the destruction of the Mugen Train disaster. Life must go on despite being given time to heal since the evil never rest: a vile monster is ...

8.80 8.85 573

Away from the hectic pace of the city, Haruto Kirishima led a peaceful existence in the countryside. Then, out of nowhere, Yuzuki Eba, who had traveled from Tokyo to spend a short time with her family...

6.70 6.85 517

Eba Yuzuki has curiously chosen to attend a rural high school. She is currently residing at his house over Kirishima Haruto's protests, nonetheless. Now he has to put up with a slacker city girl and, ...

6.70 6.85 557

Although Hajime Kindaichi may have the appearance and attitude of a typical high school student, one should never judge a book by its cover. Hajime is a superb sleuth who also happens to be the grands...

8.00 7.95 508

Once more, Hajime Kindaichi finds himself involved in perplexing cases and perplexing crimes that would stump even the most seasoned detectives. Hajime is determined to solve every case, whether it in...

7.60 7.64 647

Hajime Kindaichi, a high school student, is supposedly the great-grandson of renowned private eye Kosuke Kindaichi. Our hero's girlfriend Miyuki is mistakenly abducted into custody by a stranger while...

7.60 7.52 523

Kindaichi is once again solving a mystery. ...

7.60 6.99 469

Ichijo Shin joined Kakyoin Academy's High School division in the spring and began his first year of high school after competing in the Prism King Cup as Edel Rose and experiencing what it was like to ...

5.80 6.43 562

The goddess of war Athena was the daughter of Zeus. Young people flocked to Athena and engaged in valiant combat as her "Saints" to defend her. Their Sacred Cloth combat protection served as their cre...

4.60 5.10 531

Kunugigaoka Magic School's class 3-E is given a special assignment one day: assassinate their homeroom teacher, the Demon King Koro-sensei. The class looks for the three most formidable warriors, Karm...

6.60 7.04 720

The worst offenders congregate at Suzuran All-Boys High School, where Bouya Harumichi is a new transfer student. It is also known as "Crows High School" due to the vast number of delinquents who are d...

7.40 6.79 601