a variation of Lucky Star The story revolves around the miserable daily lives that big sister Hinata Miyakawa and little sister Hikage Miyakawa lead at home due to Hinata's wasteful tendencies, as wel...

6.00 6.52 575

The adventure, which takes place in the far future, starts when a boy meets a particular girl. Many empires have declined, including the Pan Galaxy Republic. As a result, humanity were dispersed throu...

3.10 3.89 541

Ichirou Satou, a sophomore in high school, has always been a typical person—at least, until he gets into some unusual events with Kana "The Demon" Kojima, his teacher. Satou's Japanese language inst...

6.30 6.51 488

Yuma Okazaki and Hotaru Mizushina are childhood pals who are now in high school. Their lives couldn't be more ideal with Takeda and Fujiwara as their respective boyfriends. Nothing seems to be able to...

5.00 5.34 511

The series follows Rem Ayanokoji, a young private detective who is not like any other detectives. She has the ability to enter other people's dreams. In the dream world, she becomes a Dream Hunter, fi...

6.60 6.34 417

Nijiiro Days covers the colorful lives and romantic relationships of four high school boys: Natsuki Hashiba, a romantic idealist; Tomoya Matsunaga, a narcissistic playboy; Keiichi Katakura, a kinky sa...

6.80 7.28 530

The King of Viruses, Ungrar, has broken out of his jail in Vaccine World. In order to find a human who will accept the powers of Vaccine World and become the Magical Nurse, Maya, the Goddess of Vaccin...

6.60 6.63 491

Yui Hanasaka, who has recently relocated into a new apartment complex, pays her neighbor the customary visit to say hello. She enlists his assistance to help her pass her entrance examinations after f...

4.90 5.56 596

Ebichu the hamster appears to be the ideal home pet because she goes above and above to please her mysterious owner, "Office Lady," by cleaning, shopping, cooking, and doing laundry (OL). Unfortunatel...

7.50 7.37 494

Munakata His father, the well-known Hollywood actor Munakata Kyousuke, is the love of Mira's life. Unknown to the general public, they are also lovers and father and son. Mira will have problems with ...

5.00 5.90 517

From their small hamlet, Pingu and his family relocate to the large city, where there are many people working in a wide variety of jobs. Pingu, who is always curious, wants to join them at their profe...

7.40 6.52 467