"Dogs: Bullets & Carnage" is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shirow Miwa. It was adapted into a two-episode original video animation (OVA) series in 2009. The story is set in a d...

6.80 7.32 493

Along with her pals, the reserved Koume and the quirky Hiiragi, Anzu attends a kindergarten. They work together to get Tsuchida, their nanny, to notice them. He is obviously more drawn to the attracti...

7.10 7.28 533

Second-year middle school student Ry Machiko has been living alone after losing her grandmother. Despite her amazing culinary skills, Ry has felt that her food hasn't been tasting very nice. That is, ...

6.60 6.79 529

Cells at Work! takes place in a largely healthy human body, in contrast to the main series. The world of Code Dark is a "black" one where people lead unhealthy lives. The plot centers on the anthropom...

7.50 7.53 535

Shinobu Oomiya once traveled from Japan to England to take part in a homestay. Alice Cartelet, the daughter of the family she was staying with, and she grew close during her time there. The two were a...

6.80 7.50 490

The main character of Hidamari Sketch is a young girl named Yuno who, after much waiting, is finally accepted into Yamabuki Art High School. Yuno relocates and begins residing at the Hidamari Apartmen...

7.10 7.44 502

The girls who live in the Hidamari Apartments always find time for a little fun and exploration despite the demanding nature of studying at a top art school like Yamabuki. What about the day they actu...

7.10 7.76 505

The main character of Hidamari Sketch is a young girl named Yuno who, after much waiting, is finally accepted into Yamabuki Art High School. Yuno relocates and begins residing at the Hidamari Apartmen...

7.80 8.06 510

Yaguchi Haruo, a sixth-grader, lives for video games only in 1991. He isn't well-liked at school, and he isn't attractive, humorous, pleasant, or even friendly. He is good at video games, and it is th...

8.00 7.78 508

The warlord Furuta Sasuke perishes at the tea ceremony in Japan's Sengoku period, when Oda Nobunaga's legacy still hangs over the nation. He experiences his own internal battle between his ambition fo...

7.70 7.95 551

In a post-apocalyptic future where human civilization has declined and humanity's population continues to decline, Humanity Has Declined is set. The narrative centers on an unidentified little girl wh...

7.20 7.74 578

Freshman at a brand-new high school, Tachikawa Tetsuya aspires to be a great archer like his late grandfather Fudou. A fresh transfer student eventually enrolls in his class. To everyone's amazemen...

7.90 5.81 463