In the far future, once humanity has colonized numerous worlds around the galaxy, it will have long since forgotten about Earth. A small girl named Mayo surprises the female space pirates and their en...

6.00 6.28 446

The story takes place in the year 311 of the orbital calendar, when humanity has spread throughout a great number of space colony clusters. A malicious artificial intelligence named Leopard has been i...

7.10 7.00 540

Meet 15-year-old Yohko Yamamoto, a Pocky and videogame enthusiast with cat-like eyes from the late 20th century. She has been chosen by Lawson to fly the prototype ship TA-29 a thousand years into the...

6.20 6.53 478

The Lingzhou mainland was governed by an emperor and guarded by eight princes for about a thousand years. However, an uprising started after the ninth emperor was installed. The tumultuous situatio...

7.69 522

a four-part summary of the television show ...

5.60 6.71 504

OVA from the anime "Armored Trooper Votoms" series, which makes use of the most recent 3D computer animation. a brand-new narrative about the conclusion of the 100-year battle that was written by the ...

6.50 7.23 493

A young woman from Tokorozawa named Riko Morisawa travels to Tokyo with her buddy Mana. Riko notices a banner advertising an event for the Little Battlers eXperience (LBX) line of toys as they stroll ...

7.00 5.76 524

2150 AD. The conflict with the alien silicon-based Festums enters a new stage. The North Pole Mir was in pieces, dispersed over the globe. They eventually started to operate independently as Mirs. Mos...

7.23 493

Aizawa Ryota was enrolled in the third grade of Central Military Academy's preparation program. He traveled to the space station Aries in AD 2045 for training alongside his classmates Nagase Saka and ...

6.10 6.10 475

In the far future, a group known as Deava had to confront the so-called "Shadow Angels," beings that had lived for more than 12,000 years with the sole intent of eradicating humanity. Apollo, who appe...

6.30 7.05 487