Haruto Amakawa, a 20-year-old college student, does not anticipate waking up in the body of Rio, a small kid, after dying in a car accident. Rio discovers he now has magical abilities when their memor...

7.20 7.05 510

On his way to Areishia Spirit Academy, Kamito Kazehaya runs into a naked Claire Rouge, a student who had been bathing as part of a purification ceremony. She had been preparing to form a contract with...

6.50 6.71 510

For high school students like Shouichi Kamita, university entrance exams and the future are common concerns. It is also during this time in life that a mysterious emotion that vexes people of all ages...

5.70 6.29 459

A brilliant collection of beautifully animated episodes based on selected masterpieces of Japanese modern literature. The aim of this series is to appeal to the viewer at large and to give him or h...

7.20 6.47 480

It is believed that the uncommon and mysterious Puberty Syndrome is a myth. It is a rare sickness that exclusively affects youth, and because it only manifests as supernatural occurrences, very few pe...

8.10 8.26 516

Imagine becoming the vice president of the student council and spending your days playing games, eating snacks, and getting to know a harem of gorgeous girls. Ken Sugisaki, a high school student, beli...

6.50 7.32 494

Vice President Chiga-kun finds himself drawn to the student council president's might and power despite his efforts to keep the president out of danger. Chiga-kun is perplexed as to how he, a person o...

6.40 6.94 487

A former middle-weight boxing champion, a world-class pastry chef, a high school crush, and tons of cake! Since the excruciating day in high school when he confessed his love to charming Tachibana, O...

7.10 7.02 522

The most lethal assassin in history had vowed eternal allegiance to the group that had reared him. But in spite of his loyalty, that very group acts to suppress him, which finally results in his death...

7.30 7.37 526

Ritsu Onodera, a haughty literary editor, is driven to succeed in the field after having to cope with resentment from his coworkers for working under his father's name. He transfers to Marukawa Publis...

7.60 7.67 479

The soft-spoken Yuzuki abruptly finds herself in the parallel realm of Shinga after her phone emits a blinding light. The odd location is reminiscent of Japan's violent Sengoku era, when protracted ci...

7.10 6.14 487

based on the "Sengoku Paradise" online otome game for mobile phones. Sengoku Paradise Kiwami's 10-minute promo has an anime for the first three minutes. The remaining seven minutes are made up of a...

5.98 493