The story takes place in a school where fights are graded rather than broken up. The narrative introduces Ryoko Mitsurugi, the current K-Fight Champion and self-described Samurai Girl from Daimon High...

5.50 5.95 396

Chaos used to be the dominant force in the globe. One of the numerous characteristics of this enigmatic universe is chaos. The appearance of demons and natural calamities, which are referred to as "th...

7.10 7.22 469

Lodoss and its kingdoms, which were formed from the remains of the most significant godly conflict, have experienced constant warfare for thousands of years. An unidentified evil starts to stir as a q...

7.60 7.37 451

Lodoss and its kingdoms, which were formed from the remains of the most significant godly conflict, have experienced constant warfare for thousands of years. An unidentified evil starts to stir as a q...

7.30 7.13 493

A 30-year-old lady with a great career who wants to live a more fulfilled existence decides to leave her grueling corporate job and become an elite NEET. She registers for the online MMORPG Fruits de ...

7.30 7.56 495

The protagonist of the tale is 15-year-old Izumiko Suzuhara, who was born and reared at Tamakura Shrine, a shrine that is a member of the Kumano Shrines World Heritage Site. Any electrical equipment t...

6.20 6.57 484

Kate, Rachel, Rose, and Claire go to a private school on Roosevelt Island in New York City. One morning, when everyone awakens, they are all agitated and restless and believe it strange that no one ca...

6.70 7.06 572

Kate, Rachel, Rose, and Claire go to a private school on Roosevelt Island in New York City. One morning, when everyone awakens, they are all agitated and restless and believe it strange that no one ca...

6.00 6.35 448

Alexander is the son of Olympias, a serpent magician, and Philip II, king of Macedonia. Alexander travels to the woods with Philotas and Hephaestion to tame a wild man-eating horse in order to get "sp...

7.00 5.72 500

The show centers on the Tsukikage, a squad of female high school spies who use their power from spices to combat crime gangs covertly and defend the city of Sorasaki. Momo Minamoto, a young woman with...

6.40 6.95 447

The plot centers on NEET Arata Kaizaki, 27, who has been unemployed for a number of years while also pretending to be employed and who only works part-time at a convenience store. He receives a job of...

7.80 7.99 339

The plot centers on NEET Arata Kaizaki, 27, who has been unemployed for a number of years while also pretending to be employed and who only works part-time at a convenience store. He receives a job of...

7.80 8.21 451