The story centers on the adventures of two ordinary kids, Emmy and Max, who discover a dragonscale and begin to socialize with their dragon friends: Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie, and Quetzal. They embark...

7.70 6.60 116

The series follows fourteen-year-old best friends Spencer Wright and the ghost of pop star Billy Joe Cobra as they spend their days in Beverly Heights making amateur horror films and getting entangled...

6.10 7.30 109

Empire Square revolves around three foul-mouthed kids named Ritchie, Rabbit, and Hooks, who are constantly pursuing get-rich-quick schemes and often find themselves in trouble with unsavory characters...

6.40 6.90 127

The series follows the ongoing, wacky adventures of Lloyd and Harry, along with their pet beaver, as they travel across the country in their Dogmobile. ...

8.00 7.00 115

The series chronicles the misadventures of the clumsy mechanical canine Dynomutt, Dog Wonder, and his millionaire owner, Radley Crowne, who is also known as The Blue Falcon. Together, Dynomutt and The...

7.90 7.60 123

Set years after The Real Ghostbusters, the series depicts a time when supernatural activity has dwindled, leaving the Ghostbusters out of business. Each member has gone their separate ways, except Dr....

7.30 6.50 129

The series chronicles the adventures of a young farm mouse along with his friends and family. ...

7.60 7.40 79

Eek! the Cat follows a purple cat named Eek, who lives in the fictional city of McTropolis, known for its motto, "it never hurts to help." Eek's well-intentioned nature often lands him in trouble, whi...

6.30 7.60 121

The series features a Tyrannosaurus, a Triceratops, a Stegosaurus, and a Pteranodon who are transformed into super warriors by an interdimensional criminal named Argor Zardok. They rebel against Argor...

7.70 7.00 116

The series chronicles the daily adventures of a 13-year-old Mexican superhero as he confronts bizarre enemies while also navigating the complexities of having a superhero father and a villain grandfat...

7.40 6.80 115

The series follows the quirky adventures of the Binsford family's dog, serving as a spin-off from an episode of "Amazing Stories." ...

7.30 7.20 133

Eliot is a super six-year-old with an exceptionally vivid imagination. Cheerful and mischievous, he delights in inventing and playing out adventurous tales where monsters, knights, and aliens intermin...

6.70 7.40 102