In the bustling metropolis of New York City, three young heroes have emerged from the shadows, each carrying the weight of their own unique abilities and responsibilities. Peter Parker, the friendly n...

5.90 666

Nocturne revolves around Richter, a young man tormented by the memory of his mother's tragic death at the hands of the vampire Olrox, played by Zahn McClarnon. Fate throws him together with the spirit...

8.40 616

Developed by Emmy Award winner Mike McMahan, STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS, a new half-hour animated comedy series, focuses on the support crew serving on one of Starfleet’s least important ships, the U.S....

7.60 660

Combining classic-style cartoon comedy with contemporary storytelling, the series follows two tiny wisecracking troublemakers trying to live the good life in a big city park while having giant-sized, ...

6.00 418

Set in a fantastical world where talking vehicles live, work and play with the humans who drive them, this animated comedy-adventure series follows a boy and his firetruck as they team up with their f...

5.60 456

The show is set in mythical ancient Greece and centers on a flawed family of humans, gods and monsters trying to run one of the world’s first cities without killing each other. ...

5.80 460

Deep in the Nephilim Sector, a dynasty of Necrons has awoken from its aeons-long slumber to find a galaxy full of fleshy upstarts making their home in the Pariah Nexus. Emerging from the shadows, Illu...

8.10 446

Ethan and Emily Tuttle are taken on adventures through time by their Grandma to learn about liberty and freedom. ...

8.20 471

It tells the story of four princesses from major fruit kingdoms: Kira Kiwi, Beatrice Blueberry, Rita Raspberry and Penelope Pineapple. They embrace their differences to help their fellow fruitizens an...

6.30 409

When a generations-long family curse turns Alex Vanderhouven to stone, it’s up to his two kids, Pandora and Russ, along with his wife Sky, to return artifacts stolen by their ancestors to their righ...

7.70 548

When a deep space freighter is damaged by a solar flare its surviving crew are stranded on a beautiful and unforgiving planet. They begin to learn the true nature of this planet as they try to survive...

9.10 608

A young boy who aims to be a professional Beyblade player. He aims to get to X Tower, where professional Beyblade players gather....

8.30 6.70 951