"Tesagure! Bukatsumono" is a delightful slice-of-life comedy anime that follows the comedic escapades of four high school girls as they navigate their way through their school's unique club culture. K...

7.30 6.70 482

In order to prevent the end of the world, Mission T is a covert mission. Botan Negoro, who has been nurtured to be the best spy and has been trained as a ninja since a young age, collaborates with Kur...

5.60 4.66 470

First Slipstream About a Luftwaffe pilot who must decide between his duty to his country—guard a bomber carrying the first atomic bomb ever detonated—and his duty to the world—to let it go up i...

7.30 7.20 501

based on the IKKI-serialized seinen manga by Kikuchi Naoe and Yokomi Hirohiko. The "plot" is that a manga artist's boss asks her to go around Japan with him and a travel writer by train as they wri...

5.00 6.24 456

"Earl Dracula" (as Osamu Tezuka's official website refers to him in English) has relocated to Japan after spending a number of years in Transylvania. He has moved into an old-Western-style home in Tok...

6.20 6.01 519

Chu Yuan, who is 18 years old, is put under a lot of pressure to succeed as the future emperor of Chu State. He needs to exercise caution when making judgments, especially given the current turmoil al...

6.46 445

The search for the best combatant among Korean high school students has begun in the "God of High School" tournament! All martial arts techniques, weapons, tactics, and ways to win are acceptable. The...

7.30 7.07 510

The search for the best combatant among Korean high school students has begun in the "God of High School" tournament! All martial arts techniques, weapons, tactics, and ways to win are acceptable. The...

7.40 6.56 455

13 professional idols are managed by 765 Production Studio as they gradually rise to the top and gain national notoriety. The girls' path, however, is not all fun and games: success in this profession...

6.50 7.61 492

The female employees of 765 Production Studio are anxiously getting ready for the Vacation Island International Music Festival. The festival promises many days of pleasure for everyone when combined w...

6.50 7.15 497

Aoba Shunsuke, a transfer student, found Sunshine School deserted when he arrived. Unaware that it was Foundation Day and a rest day for the school, he was secretly delighted to be the first to arrive...

8.10 6.68 476

A computer-generated anime version of the King of Fighters fighting game series. ...

6.80 6.54 485