"Mo Dao Zu Shi" (also known as "The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" or "The Founder of Diabolism") is a popular Chinese animation (donghua) series based on the web novel of the same name written...

8.50 8.46 548

"Mobile Emergency Police" is a children's anime show, also known as "Mobil Police Patlabor." The series is part of the larger "Patlabor" franchise that includes anime, manga, light novels, and live-ac...

6.40 6.13 530

Condensed versions of Gundam 00's first and second seasons with new animated scenes and some speech that has been partially re-recorded. ...

7.30 7.55 445

This project will reassemble the television series, concentrating on the Asemu Asuno and Zeheart Galette characters, starting with the Asemu arc. ...

5.50 6.63 563

The second MS igLoo revisits the first one and relates the tale of the troops of the Federation who must battle the terrifying Zakus. In each episode, a separate member of the federation struggles val...

5.70 6.62 553

To support the Zeon war effort against the Federation Forces, Lieutenant Oliver May and the 603 Technical Division Unit on board the Jotunheim keep testing and analyzing novel weapons. The description...

6.10 6.75 415

Universal Century 0079 is the current year. Oliver May is a technical officer in charge of evaluating new military technologies for the Zeon 603rd Technical Evaluation Unit. Oliver is forced to enter ...

6.40 6.59 510

During the One Year War in Universal Century 0079, the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon clash in the Thunderbolt Sector. The Federation pilot Io Fleming leads an assault on Zeon's ace Dar...

7.60 7.94 532

In the Cosmic Era 0071, the space colony Heliopolis maintains its neutrality in the massive conflict between Coordinators—human beings whose biological features were altered before birth—and Natur...

6.80 6.65 487

Worldwide Century 0096 The incident with Laplace's box, also known as the Universal Century Charter, took occurred a few months ago. The severed Axis is floating outside the Earth Sphere when the Eart...

4.86 522

The oppressive Zanscare Empire has hostilely taken over control of Side 2, a space colony outside of Earth's orbit, in the year 153 of the Universal Century. Following in the terrible footsteps of the...

7.10 6.74 504

"Moekan The Animation" also known as "Moekko Company" is an anime OVA (original video animation) series based on the visual novel "Moekan" by KeroQ. The series was released in 2003 and consists of thr...

5.46 487