In this piece, rice—kome—is anthropomorphized into young lads. Five new students at the Kokuritsu Inaho Academy, often known as the "Rice Ear Academy" (a pun on the names of national schools), wan...

4.61 532

Keima Katsuragi, a student in her second year of high school, enjoys playing girl games a lot (video games that involve interactions with anime-styled pretty girls). Because of his famous abilities to...

7.30 7.29 517

All the young girls who attend Fujisaki Girls Academy look up to student council president Natsuo Maki as the picture of grace and perfection. One day, Natsuo is practicing her kissing techniques on a...

6.90 7.32 552

Ryouma Takebayashi, a young child, lives in the forest, distant from any human habitation. He has a somewhat peculiar pastime where he keeps different kinds of slimes as pets. He also has a strong bod...

7.10 6.96 678

Bonus included in a Blu-ray/DVD disc of μ's live concert that took place in Saitama Super Arena on February 8th and 9th, 2014. ...

6.71 598

Karin Hanazono, an orphan, is left feeling empty and lonely after losing her beloved cat. Her cruel aunt hates having to look after her because she doesn't have any friends and does poorly in school. ...

6.70 7.21 531

Chika Takami, a self-described "regular" girl, has never participated in any clubs and has no distinguishing skills. After a trip to Tokyo, she learns that the world of school idols is a platform wher...

7.00 7.38 534

Everyone strives to fulfill a dream, including the musically gifted Kanon Shibuya. Kanon, however, is unable to enroll in Yuigaoka Girls' High School's music program due to her stage phobia and instea...

7.50 7.99 521

Yui Kusanagi, a third-year high school girl, is abruptly transferred to a strange realm after finding a mysterious sword in her home's stockpile. Before encountering Zeus, the king of the gods, Helen ...

7.00 7.02 506

Anyone would anticipate that Izumi Sena will eventually work in the entertainment industry given his actress mother, producer father, and rockstar brother. Izumi has never been in the spotlight, save ...

7.30 7.22 579

"Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne" (Phantom Thief Jeanne) is a magical girl and mystery anime series based on the manga of the same name by Arina Tanemura. The story revolves around a high school gymnast nam...

7.30 7.46 591

A split-personality cat demon is reborn with the knowledge of her previous existence. When she runs across her former lover, she intends to exact retribution but finds herself falling head over heels ...

6.60 524