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Nanako Usami, a typical high school student in the town of Nagarekawa (Nagarekawa-shi, "Flowing River City"), accepts her uncle's invitation to join the idol group known as the Nagarekawa Girls (Nagar...
8.10 6.88 538The second series and sixth season of the anime "Future Card Buddyfight Ace," which follows a fresh cast of characters and is based on the card game of the same name, debuted on June 2, 2018. The stor...
6.90 6.72 549Gao Mikado, a sixth-year student at the Aibo Academy Elementary Division, is teamed with Bal Dragon, a monster who sprang from a mystifying egg and is known as the Dragon of the Sun. Gao and Bal team ...
6.90 6.51 628"Future GPX Cyber Formula 11" is a direct sequel to the "Future GPX Cyber Formula" anime series. This sports and racing drama was released as an OVA (Original Video Animation) series in 1992 and is pa...
7.20 7.31 538"Future GPX Cyber Formula" is a Japanese anime television series that aired from 1991 to 1992. The series is a science-fiction sports drama that revolves around the world of Formula racing in the futu...
7.60 7.40 522In "Cyber Formula Saga," the plot follows the protagonist, Hayato Kazami, who has grown from a rookie driver to a seasoned and respected participant in the Cyber Formula, a Grand Prix of races in cybe...
7.34 546"Future GPX Cyber Formula Sin" is the fifth and final installment in the "Future GPX Cyber Formula" anime series, a franchise that combines high-stakes sports drama with science fiction elements. Rele...
7.20 7.44 548"Future GPX Cyber Formula Zero" is the third OVA sequel to the "Future GPX Cyber Formula" anime television series. This series, which aired from 1994 to 1995, continues the saga of the advanced AI-con...
7.40 7.42 536One of just two members and the manager of a digital camera club, eighth-grader Nao is also a member. Why she only takes pictures of the skies and clouds is a mystery. She frequently uses a rooftop to...
7.20 7.22 497The television series is set in a version of Japan without the Meiji Restoration. The Onigami, a race of ancient enormous robots, instead resisted the foreign ships. Since then, Japan has remained cut...
5.70 5.70 524if time did not let things to be commonplace. How might you have survived? The Bakumatsu and early Meiji periods are in effect. While Kusaka Touma and Akizuki Keiichirou are on opposing ends of the po...
7.70 7.47 598