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"Beyblade Burst" is an anime series and a part of the larger "Beyblade" franchise. It follows the journey of Valt Aoi, a passionate Beyblader who aspires to become the world's top Beyblade player. He'...
6.40 6.44 579At Spain's BC Sol, legendary blader Valt Aoi has been educating the next generation of elite bladers. Dante Koryu and Delta Zakuro, two inexperienced Bladers, once saw Valt unleash his recently evolve...
6.10 6.14 594"Beyblade Burst Sparking," known as "Beyblade Burst Superking" in Japan, is the fifth season of the "Beyblade Burst" anime series. The story follows two main protagonists, Hikaru and Hyuga Hizashi, wh...
8.20 6.60 545"Beyblade Burst Turbo," known as "Beyblade Burst Super Z" in Japan, is the third season of the "Beyblade Burst" anime series. This installment introduces a new protagonist, Aiger Akabane, a young and ...
6.40 6.44 607"Beyblade: Metal Fusion" is the first season of the "Beyblade: Metal Saga," a reboot of the original "Beyblade" anime series. This series introduces a new set of characters and Beyblades that are made...
6.20 6.82 745"Beyblade V-Force" is the second season of the original "Beyblade" anime series. Following the conclusion of the World Beyblading Championships, the season continues the story of Tyson Granger and his...
5.40 6.69 619Seven years have passed since a powerful Blader killed the God of Destruction. Beyblade has entered a new era. Years ago, when Zero Kurogane saw the decisive fight with the lord of destruction, he was...
5.00 6.02 533Akihito Kanbara, a sophomore in high school in the literature club, considers himself to be a "Meganest." Although he looks to be human, he is actually part Ymu, which renders him immortal and immune ...
7.20 7.74 519Mihashi was the previous ace pitcher for the baseball team at his middle school, but it appears that he only held the position because his grandfather was the school's headmaster. He was despised by ...
7.60 7.90 698A Federation agent named Birdy Cephon Altera is pursuing extraterrestrial criminals to Earth. Tsutomu Senkawa, a high school student, is accidentally killed by her when she is chasing one of these cri...
6.90 7.09 571