Ghost Stories centers on Satsuki Miyanoshita, who relocates to her mother's village with her family. Satsuki, her brother Keiichirou, a first-grader, Hajime Aoyama, a neighbor, Momoko Koigakubo, an ol...

8.00 7.72 577

Since she was a young child, Saiki Misaki has been able to see ghosts. She now works at an S&M club and spends her free time convincing the dead to accept their death and depart in order to transport ...

6.00 6.14 520

A businessman checking into the hotel after taking the train home from work is the subject of the first series, "The Nightmare Begins," which consists of 25 stories. When he runs across Gregory, the h...

7.60 6.59 567

The Chronos Corporation, which has biologically created workers and troops who can instantly morph into formidable monsters known as Zoanoids, has dark designs for the globe. After taking a bag holdin...

7.50 7.11 572

Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting a powerful fighting lifeform called Guyver. With...

7.80 7.24 563

Sat Matsuzaka, a high school student, is the protagonist of the show. She meets Shio, a mysterious young girl, and quickly develops strong feelings for her. Shio and Sat decide to share Sat's apartmen...

6.81 531

Hellsing centers on two vampires employed by the English organization dedicated to exterminating vampires, the Hellsing Organization: the antiheroic vampire Alucard and the police officer turned vampi...

7.80 7.49 276

Vampires are real. It is the responsibility of Hellsing, a covert agency supported by the British government, to conceal that horrifying fact and safeguard the populace's blissfully uninformed citizen...

8.30 8.36 710

New kid Keiichi Maebara is settling into his new home of peaceful Hinamizawa village. Making quick friends with the girls from his school, he’s arrived in time for the big festival of the year. But ...

6.90 7.20 584

Rika Furude and Satoko Houjou are best friends who have lived in the small village of Hinamizawa for their entire lives. Alongside their other friends, they spend every day together, and every moment ...

6.40 6.76 663

Rena Ryg, Rika Furude, Satoko Hj, Mion Sonozaki, and their twin sister Shion are among the classmates Keiichi Maebara makes friends with after relocating to the town of Hinamizawa in June 1983. The ye...

7.90 7.90 544

An elementary school teacher named Fudo Jun experiences violent dreams. She leads the tennis team from the school on a trip where they come under attack by demons. She releases Devilman Lady in an eff...

6.30 6.61 528