In the "unique samurai-general-reincarnated-as-a-canine comedy," Nobunaga dies at Honnouji as in real life and is reincarnated as Shinamon in contemporary Japan. Later, other warlords from the Warring...

6.50 6.45 525

Yoshiharu Sagara, a high school student, awakens to find himself in the midst of a fierce fight during the Sengoku era. Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a great figure, saves him, albeit at the hero's expense. The...

6.50 7.39 501

The "Devil's" blade techniques are tasked with destroying evils that threaten a tranquil Edo! Maintaining the position of top officer guarding against crime and arson is Heizou Hasegawa. Hasegawa held...

7.50 7.30 426

The son of a well-known general, Second Lieutenant Kei Agemaki, has spent his entire life concealing his intense dread of supernatural things. He meets his biggest dread, though, when he and two other...

6.80 7.44 513

Japan, 1955: Mario Minakami and five other youths who were detained on serious criminal allegations have recently arrived at Shounan Special Reform School. Allotted to the same cell, they become fast ...

8.30 8.49 501

Romeo is a brave and nice young man who resides with his family in a Swiss town. Romeo unluckily attracts the attention of Luini, often known as "The God of Death," who is notorious for purchasing kid...

8.70 8.33 504

The only thing standing in the way of Toyotomi Hideyoshi unifying the empire is the Odawara Castle, which is guarded by the "Lion of Sagami" Ujiyasu Houjou. Generals Ishida Mitsunari, Katou Kiyomasa, ...

6.60 6.52 495

Masanosuke "Masa" Akitsu is a lost ronin in the tranquil Edo era of Japan. Masa is a superb swordsman, but his timid nature has earned him the title of "unreliable," and he is frequently fired without...

7.60 7.78 471

The soft-spoken Yuzuki abruptly finds herself in the parallel realm of Shinga after her phone emits a blinding light. The odd location is reminiscent of Japan's violent Sengoku era, when protracted ci...

7.10 6.14 486

Shino Inuzuka, Sousuke Inukawa, and Hamaji's town of Ootsuka was set ablaze since it was believed that a virus had been completely wiped off. A weird man carrying a sword approached the three, who wer...

8.60 7.16 496

Vampires have penetrated Tokyo in 1930 and are consuming its gullible residents. The city's officials decide to employ the Jaegers—a bizarre, multifaceted collection of people assigned by the V Ship...

6.80 6.98 496

This is the tale of Maria, who leaves her life in a convent to take on the duty of caring for Captain Trapp's children, and is based on the same event that gave rise to the beloved musical "The Sound ...

7.63 7.80 481