Haruto Amakawa, a 20-year-old college student, does not anticipate waking up in the body of Rio, a small kid, after dying in a car accident. Rio discovers he now has magical abilities when their memor...

7.20 7.05 510

The kingdoms of Amoria, Ishilfen, and Vanrodis hold sway over the continent of Kuna'anh while maintaining a precarious balance of power. A conflict across the entire continent may be started by the sm...

5.90 5.59 486

The most lethal assassin in history had vowed eternal allegiance to the group that had reared him. But in spite of his loyalty, that very group acts to suppress him, which finally results in his death...

7.30 7.37 526

Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, and Chris Yukine are still battling the Noise, an unknown alien danger, three months after a Lunar Attack that almost destroyed Earth. They are utilizing potent arm...

7.50 7.46 498

The mythical hero Creasion eventually shut away the demon lord Rchimedes after he had once terrorized the entire planet. Since then, there have been no conflicts for a thousand years. However, a stran...

6.70 7.29 445

The universe of Seven Knights Revolution: Eiyuu no Keishousha is one where heroic figures fought against the powers of "Destruction" in the distant past. While their heroic exploits became legends, "s...

6.00 6.32 485

The cosmos will also end because the Great Planet is dying since its Queen is elderly and weak. As a result, Princess Aurora of the Moon must embark on a perilous journey with her friends and escorts,...

8.30 6.95 491

Fushihara-san often works overtime like a corporate slave, even after her coworkers have left for the day, spending the majority of her day shackled in front of her office computer. When a ghost in th...

6.00 5.89 563

Numerous shorts (sometimes referred to as Shaman King omake and TV specials) on significant dates in the year that have to do with spirits and the like were produced throughout the Shaman King broadca...

7.00 6.89 473

Asahi died while playing Union, a well-known online role-playing game, and her real life ended at the same time. When Union shut down as a result of Asahi's passing, the members of Subaru split out. H...

4.60 6.11 445

A picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words. It contains an endless number of secrets in this situation. Only Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang are capable of discovering these truths. The two buddies...

6.10 6.27 487

Mages randomly receive one of the four "crests" that indicate the range of their magical power at birth. The world's strongest sage, Gaius, was armed with a crest that specialized in creation and achi...

6.20 6.22 454