Krylancelo Finrandi and his foster sister Azalie Cait-Sith were once bright sorcery students at the renowned Tower of Fangs, prodigies in a world of magic and monsters. However, a catastrophically bot...

5.50 5.81 569

Long ago, Kyle, the king of Orvelia, vanquished the demon king Angmund and established world peace. However, demons have been seen in the woodlands again one hundred years later, posing a threat to hu...

5.90 6.01 533

One thing always tends to lift 15-year-old Kino's spirits when she is feeling depressed by troubled thoughts: travel. Exploring the lovely, magnificent world around her and the various ways that peopl...

7.20 7.60 553

A friendship develops between Hermes, a talking motorcycle, and Kino, a 15-year-old tourist. Together, despite not knowing what to anticipate, they travel across the globe and explore a variety of nat...

8.40 8.29 550

A shy giraffe named Noop and his hedgehog buddy, Harry, wander their far-off star world together in a shadow painting anime. ...


A Japanese journalist named Yuko Kusaka has been brought to Brazil to report on the gold rush phenomena that seems to be making many individuals richer by the hour. There are rumors that Rio Baraki, a...

4.20 4.17 325

The goddess of war Athena was the daughter of Zeus. Young people flocked to Athena and engaged in valiant combat as her "Saints" to defend her. Their Sacred Cloth combat protection served as their cre...

4.60 5.10 535

Katri, a 9-year-old girl who lives with her grandparents on a farm in Finland, is the protagonist of this series. For three years, Katri's mother has been living in Germany. She works on a nearby farm...

7.00 6.87 557

Unchou Kan'u has dedicated her life to defending the innocent by eliminating every band of bandits she encounters after witnessing the murder of her family at the hands of bandits. Even though Kan'u h...

6.80 6.73 431

Ange, a peasant girl in the novel, feels insecure and doesn't recognize the power she has until she and 99 other girls are summoned by nine guardians to a sacred area. The guardians disclose that the ...

6.92 835

Ji Ning's luck had never been favorable. Ning, who spent his entire life on Earth unwell and disabled, anticipated his early demise. He was unaware that there actually was life after death and that th...

5.74 588

Ange, a little girl, is called to a Sacred Land and selected as the Legendary Etoile, tasked with saving the newly-born Cosmos of the Holy Beast from an impending calamity. She sets off on a journey t...

7.00 6.83 573