The plot revolves around high school student and band vocalist Kamikurata Kyouta and how he discovers a secret war being fought by mythical girls with supernatural abilities. Later, Kyouta teams up w...

6.00 6.08 548

In the far future, the "Shadow Angels" are a menace to humanity once again,  mystical creatures that have been absent for 12,000 years have reappeared. They invade human towns and enslave the locals ...

6.40 7.10 392

Mei the goat wanders into a barn one night in search of safety from a storm. The goat meets another immigrant in the barn. Despite the fact that they cannot see or smell one other, the two huddle up c...

6.00 6.70 719

Elk, a bounty hunter in a bizarre futuristic universe, is the main character of the novel. On this planet, advanced but antique technology coexists with primitive attitudes, creatures, and magic. In o...

5.50 6.51 610

"Area 88" is a war drama anime based on the manga series of the same name. The story revolves around Shin Kazama, a talented fighter pilot who had a promising future in his home country of Japan. He w...

7.70 7.51 646

The planet has been overrun by aliens for some years in the year 2059. Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Tukuto Kenishiro strive to revive the professor's experiment, a gigantic Bio-Mechan...

6.60 6.77 519

Hajime Nagumo, who is seventeen, is your typical otaku. But when he and the rest of his class are called to a dream world, his routine of staying up late and sleeping in class is abruptly upended! The...

7.10 6.67 687

A typical Japanese schoolgirl named Juna Ariyoshi has a profound appreciation for the natural world and a youthful sense of curiosity. Juna passes away in a motorcycle accident one day while traveling...

7.10 6.80 391

Dual Matrix is the name of the sequel to Armitage III. A departure from conventional animation to computer-assisted methods caused several unpleasant modifications in character designs, such as Armita...

6.90 7.02 515

Dairugger XV was an exploration robot and a planned peacekeeping force in the original plot that was broadcasted in Japan. Earth is experiencing prosperity. A mission to explore outside of the galaxy ...

5.10 6.41 578

No matter the subject, Urano Motosu is a bookworm who cannot get enough of reading. Before an accident ends her life, she is just a few steps away from fulfilling her dream of becoming a librarian. Sh...

7.90 8.10 647

The pupils of Caird High School leave for their Planet Camp in the year 2061, when space travel is now technologically and economically accessible. However, soon after Group B5 and its nine members ar...

8.00 8.10 606