Under Yamato’s guidance, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sai are assigned to capture Mukade, a rogue ninja pursuing the ancient chakra Ryuumyaku hidden beneath the Rouran ruins. Despite the Fourt...

7.15 7.42 305

In the technologically advanced Academy City, the long-awaited completion of the world's first space elevator, "Endymion," is imminent. Meanwhile, Touma Kamijou and his companion Index encounter Arisa...

7.15 7.42 334

Squad 10 is tasked with protecting a royal procession carrying the powerful Ouin artifact. During the mission, a group of assailants attacks the caravan, stealing the Ouin and injuring Hitsugaya. The ...

7.18 7.42 279

Verta must find a way to escape Shura City and rescue her sister Blanca from the monk Fahai. ...

7.37 7.41 214

Xiao-Bai, a white snake demon, is sent to kill a Taoist advisor who is killing snakes. She is attacked and defeated, but her hairpin saves her life. She wakes up in a village and meets Xu Xuan, who sa...

7.17 7.41 183

Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of a...

7.26 7.40 368

Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. Yet such th...

7.18 7.37 260

Doraemon and friends run away from their home and travel back in time to the 70,000 years ago where nobody existed to build their ideal private paradise. After they fully relished the freedom in the e...

7.19 7.37 253

In the mountains of north Fiore lies the Fire Village, where a lush-blue relic known as the Phoenix Stone is preserved. Entrusted to a mystifying woman named Éclair, it is said to contain the power o...

7.16 7.37 233

It's been several years and Kyosuke Kasuga is now 19. A mysterious phone call warns him of oncoming cars but he doesn't listen. Ironically, he gets hit by a car and because of his telepathic abilities...

7.16 7.36 252

The Z Warriors discover an unopenable music box and are told to open it with the dragon balls. The contents turn out to be a warrior named Tapion who had sealed himself inside along with a monster c...

7.14 7.35 291

Heavens Library to Crimson Lord brings back Arata, Lilith, and the rest of the Trinity Seven to face off against the greatest enemy in the history of the Trinity Seven; Lilith's own father, who is rev...

7.23 7.34 311