Ritsuka Tachibana, a student who initially appears to be normal, finds herself caught up in a battle between demons and vampires at her school. Both sides see her as the last hope for finding the loca...

5.80 6.25 521

The show is set in an alternate universe and is primarily set in the city of Eridana, whose territory is divided equally between the Lapetodes Seven Cities Alliance and the Tseberun Dragon Empire. The...

6.10 5.79 490

A spatial anomaly called "Heaven's Gate" first appeared in South America ten years prior to the series' events. Then "Hell's Gate" opened in Tokyo, changing the sky and wreaking devastation on the sur...

7.70 8.07 611

In the first episode of the series, a mysterious phenomena known as a "spatial quake" devastates the heart of Eurasia and kills at least 150 million people. Smaller spatial quakes will continue to sha...

6.90 7.17 542

Suzuki Ichirou, a 29-year-old programmer, is thrown straight into a fantasy role-playing game. He plays the role of Satou, a 15-year-old in the game. He initially believes he is dreaming, but his expe...

6.60 6.47 570

The "Death Note," a strange black notebook that can kill anyone as long as the owner knows both the target's name and face, is discovered by unhappy high school student Light Yagami in Tokyo. Light ki...

9.00 8.62 741

The demonic Shadow Lord has taken over the kingdom of Deltora and is causing both the country and its people to suffer. When the seven magical stones in the Belt of Deltora are reunited, they will gra...

7.20 7.06 529

Akuto Sai is the protagonist of this tale of "love, magic, and conflicts." He aspires to join his nation's highest order of magicians and serve the community as one of its clergy. His aptitude test in...

6.60 6.77 587

Strange cultists have started to form a black mass in the hopes of reawakening the legendary devil ruler Dante. High school student Ry Utsugi starts having bizarre dreams and premonitions. Soon later,...

4.90 6.01 562

While logging into a character known as the "Demon Lord" in a game he administers, Oono Akira, a working adult who can be found anywhere, was carried away to another planet. There, he meets a girl wit...

6.70 6.54 513

Tanjirou Kamado has been responsible for providing for the family ever since his father passed away. The Kamado family is able to lead a mostly peaceful and happy life despite living in poverty on a l...

8.70 8.54 1123

The Demon Slayer Corps has dispatched one of its best to eliminate what can only be a demon responsible for a series of inexplicable disappearances on a certain train after becoming aware of the incid...

8.20 8.39 570