"Beyblade Burst" is an anime series and a part of the larger "Beyblade" franchise. It follows the journey of Valt Aoi, a passionate Beyblader who aspires to become the world's top Beyblade player. He'...

6.40 6.44 578

After learning that one of their own classmates, Rin Okumura, is the son of Satan, the ExWire of True Cross Academy are overwhelmed with horror and shock. They are currently more concerned about the t...

7.40 7.36 525

Up until the day she cracked open a weird book and released dozens of potent magic cards loose on the world, Sakura Kinomoto was an ordinary fourth-grader. Sakura is informed by Keroberos, the Clow Ca...

8.00 8.15 749

Yuu Otosaka may seem like any other charming and smart adolescent on the outside, but below there is a secret: for five seconds at a time, he can enter someone else's consciousness and take complete c...

7.50 7.75 510

Shinnosuke "Shin-chan" Nohara, a kindergartener, has never had an ordinary day. The five-year-old is a cut above even the most disruptive, repulsive, and shameless child one can think of. Shin-chan is...

8.40 7.75 1057

The demonic Shadow Lord has taken over the kingdom of Deltora and is causing both the country and its people to suffer. When the seven magical stones in the Belt of Deltora are reunited, they will gra...

7.20 7.06 527

Seven children are taken to the Digital World, a mysterious location inhabited by digital monsters known as "Digimon." Soon after, a group of Digimon make friends with them and protect the children fr...

7.80 7.77 635

Masaru, a second-year junior high student who has never lost a fight, encounters the Digital Monster Agumon after it escaped from the secret government agency DATS. Despite unimpressive first impressi...

6.60 6.95 535

Five kids get weird text messages that direct them to a train that brings them to a strange place called the "Digital World," where bizarre monsters known as "Digimon" abound. These kids have been bro...

6.70 7.15 537

Takato Matsuda is a passionate fan of Digimon who is particularly fixated on the card game and daydreams about the universe contained therein all the time. He discovers a weird blue card one day and u...

7.60 7.63 530

With the exception of her unique and occasionally unsettling abilities, Naoko Watanabe is a typical preteen girl in the comedy series, which is set in Japan. She transforms into Gauko, the fire-breath...

7.00 6.26 533

Three buddies that are also members of the D-Team are Max, Rex, and Zoe. They are only looking to have some fun and grow their friendship, but when they discover three fossil-shaped objects in the for...

5.60 6.29 602