"Military!" (also known as "Miritari!") is a comedy, slice-of-life anime series that aired in 2015. The series is based on the manga of the same name by Mamo Williams. The story centers around Sohe...

5.20 5.66 433

High school student Ink Nijihara is female. Unfortunately, she is hardly recognized by her crush Nao Tezuka. She is really short, which only makes problems worse. Ink now encounters a duck, transforms...

6.40 6.39 415

Momoko, a young, stunning swordswoman who was born inside a peach (momo in Japanese). She resides in a tranquil paradise with her dependable friends, the dog god Inugami, the monkey god Sarugami, and ...

6.00 5.59 503

Before monster chicks crowded in, Kimihito Kurusu led a quiet, nondescript existence by himself because his parents were away. The cutting-edge Japan of this parallel reality is the first nation to su...

6.60 6.99 491

Humans and monsters have reconciled their differences and are at peace after years of hostilities. After the conflict, the town of Lindworm was established, and it has since grown to be the center of ...

6.10 6.53 513

At their class reunion, Shouta, a 25-year-old NEET, is made fun of by his former female classmates who have all achieved success. He is transported back in time to deal with those same classmates when...

3.80 5.88 506

Ikuto Touhohin recently got into a disagreement with his grandfather, which caused him to hastily decide to leave his house. He decides to take a vacation and joins a ship, but the ship is abruptly as...

6.70 7.23 503

The plot of Nanatsu no Bitoku, which is set in the same timeframe as Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai, centers on a group of angels who were dispatched from Heaven to find a prospective "Savior" in order to com...

6.10 5.23 536

Ichirou Satou, a sophomore in high school, has always been a typical person—at least, until he gets into some unusual events with Kana "The Demon" Kojima, his teacher. Satou's Japanese language inst...

6.30 6.51 490

Koyomi Araragi discovers that his friend and rescuer, Tsubasa Hanekawa, has been acting strangely since escaping a vampire attack. On his way to a bookshop, he comes to meet paths with her, and when h...

7.40 7.93 504

Hideki "Rusian" Nishimura, a naive otaku, musters up the confidence to propose to a girl in an online game, and is devastated when she flat-out rejects him. The girl then admits that she is actually a...

6.40 6.72 482