A young, kind boy named Photon Earth has the word "Baka," which means "idiot" in Japanese, scrawled across his forehead (apparently by his troublemaking friend Aun Freya). One day, after writing "baka...

6.80 7.04 502

Every person in the post-apocalyptic society of Alcia had a unique "Count" imprinted on their bodies, which kept track of a significant part of their lives and served as a measure of their value. Thei...

6.40 6.60 376

Popotan is set in the far future amid the ruins of Tokyo, which were decimated by a catastrophe and have since undergone geological changes. An enormous spire-like dandelion construction that appeared...

6.30 6.27 325

Rio Rollins, a well-known casino dealer at the Howard Resort on an island, has the capacity to bring luck to gamblers merely by passing them, earning her the moniker "The Goddess of Victory." Rio and ...

5.60 5.86 519

Chihiro Furuya is a male high school student who has a strong interest in zombies. He collects videogames, movies, and manga about zombies and has even expressed a desire to "kiss a zombie girl." He m...

7.30 6.70 337

Minato Sahashi, 19, is incredibly clever in Tokyo, known as Shinto Teito (, Shint Teito, "New Eastern Imperial Capital") in 2020, yet he has failed the college admission exam twice because of his seve...

7.30 7.29 487

The Hanzo Academy is a renowned prep school with a secret that only a few people are aware of. Shinobi, skilled spies and assassins who centuries before had served the shoguns for their political and ...

6.20 6.30 481

One of God's archangels, Lucifer, is accused of disobeying the Almighty's command and expelled from Heaven. By smashing into a high school church, she is forced to make a quick pit break, and Maria To...

5.20 5.73 545

In the dystopian year 2030, the Japanese government is repressive of any perceived immoral behavior, such as using lewd language or disseminating lewd materials, to the extent that all citizens are re...

7.00 7.25 380

Kimito Kagurazaka attends a typical high school. One day, he is compelled to enroll in All-Girls School Seikain, a place where the noble female pupils are isolated from the outside world in order to p...

6.50 6.71 461

The novel takes place in a made-up planet where races of gods and devils live side by side with mankind. Both races possess mystical abilities that humans found astounding because they had never exper...

6.80 7.04 394

The setting of Sorcerer Hunters is the Spooner Continent, where the people are split into two groups: the Parsoners, or common folk, and the Sorcerers, or magic users. Numerous Sorcerers, distinguishe...

6.60 6.67 452