"Hoshiai no Sora" (English: "Stars Align") is a sports drama anime that focuses on the members of a struggling high school soft tennis club. The story follows Maki Katsuragi, a transfer student wit...

7.40 7.59 538

A quiet high school student named Miki Takekasa, who likes to keep to herself. She meets Aya Takayashiki, a recent transfer student, after school one day, and she persuades her to embark on an adventu...

6.60 6.70 560

First year student Hina Tsurugi prefers to do indoor activities such as crafting. Having recently moved to a seaside town, she runs into an older schoolmate, Kuroiwa, who invites her to join the "Teib...

7.20 7.41 526

Shuichi Nitori is a fifth-grader who transfers to a new school at the beginning of Wandering Son. Another student, the tall, boyish Yoshino Takatsuki, rapidly wins her friendship. Yoshino quickly find...

7.60 7.70 504

In the far-off future depicted in Land of the Lustrous, the Earth has been ravaged by meteors that have impacted it six times. Nearly all life was eliminated, and the surviving country was reduced to ...

7.90 8.40 527

Seigi Nakata, a brilliant and upright Japanese college student, and Richard Ranashinha Dvorpian, a gorgeous British jewelry appraiser, are the main characters of the book. The pair solves a variety of...

7.19 6.90 551

Two martial artists are brutally killed by a team of assassins, leaving their wards, a young boy and girl, defenseless. A martial arts master dispatches of the assassins, sparing their lives, and deci...

6.36 537

"Hua Jianghu Zhi Huan Shi Men Sheng" (also known as "Painting Rivers and Lakes" or "The King of the Water Margin") is a Chinese animated series that delves into the genres of fantasy and action. Se...

6.47 555

In 1918, Klaus von Wolfstadt met Taki Reizen. In order to attend the coronation event, Klaus traveled to the nation in the Far East with his family (parents, brother, and sister). The young Taki begge...

5.80 6.51 645

High school student Fumiya Tomozaki, playing as "nanashi," is currently ranked first in the leaderboards of the well-known online game Attack Families. An outcast in society, he views Attack Families ...

7.00 7.14 530

"Jetter Mars" is an anime television series produced by Toei Animation that aired in Japan in the early 1970s. The series was born from an idea to make a cost-effective adaptation of "Astro Boy," a ...

7.20 6.13 510

Heng, the most powerful of the seven states, is on the path of unification in the framework of the Warring States period of Chinese history. A young man named Ding Ning (Li Xian) has plans to assassin...

7.50 5.92 615