The movie series takes place in 2005, six years after Digimon Adventure 02 ended. The Real World is being warped by a mystery aberration, and hostile Digimon are being infected by a virus. The eight o...

7.30 7.44 523

Trump Kingdom is a mystical place where, under the direction of their monarch Princess Marie Ange, everyone's hearts dwell happily. But one day, the realm is attacked by the terrible Jikochu (Saban: M...

6.20 6.62 560

Earth is invaded by a species of alien dubbed "Censor Bug." They try to wipe out humanity by stealing "H-energy." Retto Enj, a high school student, teams up with Kirara Hoshino, one of his childhood f...

5.40 5.75 537

Yuki Takeya, a carefree junior in high school, eagerly anticipates each day at the School Living Club. The club, which is led by its president Yuuri Wakasa and includes the mature Miki Naoki, the athl...

7.10 7.62 550

The last of humanity survives a nuclear apocalypse with the aid of lifelike androids known as Dolls. Some people are designed to fight in battles as Tactical Dolls or T-Dolls. Now, Sangvis Ferri, a ne...

6.20 5.90 540

Insanely in love with his teacher Hina, Natsuo Fujii. He accepts a mixer in an effort to move on. Rui Tachibana, a strange female he meets there, asks him to leave incognito. She brings him to her hom...

6.80 6.69 836

The Meiji Restoration took place in 1868. As a result, the nation had to deal with many outlaws, including samurai who rebelled against their overthrown positions. Although many were detained, they qu...

6.90 7.49 529

Two young brothers named Ryichi Kashima (a freshman in high school) and his younger brother Kotar (a preschooler) are left orphaned and without a place to call home after their parents pass away unexp...

7.70 7.90 531

What if you had the ability to enslave anybody you desired? This is close, though. For a fee, the SCM enables you to enslave anyone other who is wearing one. To make the other person into their slave,...

5.70 5.94 535

Keita It, a typical high school student, is shocked to learn that Bell Liberty Academy (Beru Jiy Gakuen), a prestigious and exclusive boarding school, had accepted him. The mystery unnerves him, but t...

5.80 6.48 505

Tetsuro Hoshino, a ten-year-old from a poor family, longs for an immortal machine body that will grant him the freedom that only the mechanized can experience. The Andromeda Galaxy is the destination ...

7.80 7.79 501

Five years ago, a sizable portion of Ikebukuro vanished over night as a result of a puzzling phenomena called the Global Synchronic Urban Disappearance. Following the calamity, the locals were left in...

5.40 5.50 423