The series is set in the near future where a deadly virus, known as the M34 virus, starts infecting humans and turns them into monstrous creatures. An organization called NOA becomes humanity's last l...

5.70 6.01 574

The plot opens with a battle between the rival superheroes ZET and Alphas before going back in time to explore the origins of both characters: Jin Kanzaki, a young man who can transform into a superhu...

6.40 6.85 373

"Zipang" is a military-themed anime series that aired from 2004 to 2005, based on a manga of the same name by Kaiji Kawaguchi. The story revolves around the modern Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force...

7.50 7.49 336

The last of the human race lives in submerged "Aqua Bases" one hundred years after aliens seized Earth. Five women who have undergone cybernetic enhancement are trained to launch guerilla strikes agai...

5.80 5.47 466


6.70 6.79 536

The main character of the anime is Tsubasa, a recent hire in Gandala Music's A&R department. Tsubasa is given the direct responsibility of managing the "B-PROJECT" idol unit, which consists of the ido...

6.40 6.60 496

Tooru Ichii and Run Momoki, two teenage females, have been great friends since they were young. Tooru was accepted into the same high school as Run is enrolled in after passing their admission examina...

6.50 6.94 548