Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness follows Po's ongoing adventures as he trains to become a skilled warrior and protect the Valley of Peace. Now living with the Furious Five, Po faces new challenge...

7.80 7.50 120

King of the Hill is an American animated sitcom that follows the lives of the Hill family, a working-class family in the fictional town of Arlen, Texas. Created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, the ser...

8.00 7.60 138

After the end of the War, Aang and Zuko united people from all four nations and established the United Republic, creating Republic City—a bustling metropolis fueled by steampunk-style technology lik...

7.70 6.80 125

**Phantom 2040** is a half-hour animated series set in the year 2040, based on Lee Falk's original character. Produced by Hearst Entertainment, Inc., the show features the 24th Phantom, Kit Walker, a ...

8.00 7.10 120

In this season, contestants travel around the world participating in international challenges. They must break into song whenever Chris rings a special chime—usually under duress or in response to m...

6.90 6.30 106

The show follows the adventures of 12-year-old twins Dipper and Mabel Pines, whose summer plans are derailed when their parents send them to stay with their Great Uncle Stan in the fictional town of G...

7.00 7.40 147

After the events of *How to Train Your Dragon*, the Vikings of Berk and the dragons they once fought now live together in peace. However, this coexistence isn't as smooth as it seems. The dragons, sti...

7.10 6.20 127

Lee was eagerly anticipating his sophomore year at A. Nigma High, but his plans took a turn when he was falsely accused of orchestrating the biggest prank in the school's history and sentenced to a fu...

7.30 7.70 90

Created by former Nickelodeon artist Jim Jinkins in 1990 and produced through Jinkins' production company, Jumbo Pictures Inc., Doug follows the life of an average kid named Doug Funnie. In 1991, the ...

7.20 6.80 78

Steven Universe is a coming-of-age story told from the perspective of Steven, a chubby and happy-go-lucky boy and the youngest member of an intergalactic team of warriors called the Crystal Gems. Toge...

6.80 7.50 171

In the far future, humanity has left behind an environmentally destroyed Terra and began colonization in order to reproduce their home. Humanity, now ruled by a super computer that controls the birth ...

6.40 7.80 114

Set five years before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope following the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Council, the series follows a motley group of rebels (all of whom have been affected by ...

7.00 7.90 127