Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsh), the first volume in this sci-fi saga, is based on a series of science fiction novels. The narrative centers on Jinto, a young prince whose world has been occupied...

7.60 7.65 528

A young fellow with a cursed eye named Allen Walker lives to destroy the Akuma weapon. The Milleneum Earl designed these weapons, and he has ordered them to be spread over the planet to cleanse it of ...

7.70 8.02 582

Allen Walker formally joins the group of exorcists towards the end of the 19th century that fights against the Akuma, mechanical creatures created by the Millennium Earl from the tormented souls of th...

7.40 7.71 548

Up until the day he turned fourteen, Niwa Daisuke was a typical teenager. He tries to confess his love to the woman of his dreams but is unsuccessful. Whenever he thinks about this girl, he transforms...

7.00 7.18 606

On February 24, 2018, a massive creature known as a Heterodyne makes an appearance in the Northwest Gap of the Sea of Japan and goes on a rampage, devastating a large city and killing countless people...

7.10 7.14 580

The planet Barm's survivors flee after their home world is destroyed in order to negotiate the purchase of land on Earth so that they can immigrate there. Unfortunately, the Barmian leader, Leon, is k...

7.90 7.21 398

The leader of all vampires and princess of the ancient covenant, Mina Tepes, wants her kind to stop hiding from humans. She has used her vast funds to pay off all of Japan's national debt, earning the...

6.60 7.01 545

The show is set in an alternate universe and is primarily set in the city of Eridana, whose territory is divided equally between the Lapetodes Seven Cities Alliance and the Tseberun Dragon Empire. The...

6.10 5.79 491

"Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc" is an anime series that serves as a prequel to the "Danganronpa" video games. As the title suggests, this arc focuses on the tragic ev...

7.10 7.41 435

Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc is an anime series that serves as the conclusion to the "Hope's Peak Academy" saga started in the "Danganronpa" video games. It is primar...

7.00 7.26 504