Two girls, Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro, are the main characters of Futari wa Pretty Cure. They meet Mipple and Mepple from the Garden of Light, who give them the ability to change into the emis...

6.80 6.97 554

"Futari wa Precure: Splash Star" is the third installment in the popular "Precure" (short for "Pretty Cure") magical girl anime franchise. It aired in Japan from 2006 to 2007. The series follows Sa...

8.40 7.19 545

Nanako Usami, a typical high school student in the town of Nagarekawa (Nagarekawa-shi, "Flowing River City"), accepts her uncle's invitation to join the idol group known as the Nagarekawa Girls (Nagar...

8.10 6.88 538

After Kamen Rider W Returns: Kamen Rider Accel, two years after the conclusion of the main TV series, Shotaro Hidari, a private eye employed by Narumi Detective Agency, and his partner Raito "Philip" ...

8.20 7.64 792

Shaorin and Tasuke explore their relationship in the tranquility of contemporary Japan while dealing with both old and new obstacles. Tasuke starts to realize the extent of his love for Shaorin as Sha...

6.45 594

"Detective Conan," also known as "Case Closed," is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, including movies, TV specials, and Original Video Animations (OV...

8.50 7.02 551

Young musician Soichi Negishi is quiet and aspires to work in pop. He has ended up as the lead singer and guitarist of the blackened death metal band "Detroit Metal City" because dreams do not pay the...

7.90 8.11 547

Aira, Shima, and Hana, three devil girls, reside in the world of humans. They want to be role models by leading a glittering school life through efforts and friendships. Climbing those stairs is an ex...

5.32 481

"Di Gi Charat" is a quirky, comedic Japanese anime series that originated as a promotional mascot for the retail chain Gamers, which sells video games, anime, manga, and related merchandise. The serie...

7.20 6.78 499

"Di Gi Charat Natsuyasumi Special" is a sequel to the original "Di Gi Charat" anime series, featuring the continued comedic adventures of the catgirl alien Dejiko, her sidekick Puchiko, and their floa...

6.60 553

"Di Gi Charat Nyo" is a sequel to the original "Di Gi Charat" anime series. The series, like the original, is centered on the alien princess Dejiko (also known as Di Gi Charat) who came to Earth to pr...

7.00 7.07 525

The "Di Gi Charat Ohanami Special" is a part of the "Di Gi Charat" anime series, which follows the hilarious exploits of the catgirl alien princess Dejiko and her sidekicks Puchiko and Gema. The wo...

6.65 514