The series follows Rose, a teenage girl from Earth who discovers a key that transports her to FairyTale Land, where fairy tales come to life. She arrives at Regal Academy, a school where students are ...

6.00 7.70 120

The show focuses on the adventures of a family of white lions. The family includes Larry, the bumbling yet well-meaning star of Siegfried & Roy's show; Kate, a beautiful stay-at-home mother involved i...

6.70 7.60 103

The central characters, who are the children of the original Famous Five, set out on a new series of adventures. In these adventures, the new Famous Five utilize modern technology, such as laptops and...

6.10 7.20 126

Fangbone, a nine-year-old barbarian warrior from Skullbania, finds himself in the third grade class at Eastwood Elementary to save his homeland from the evil villain, Venomous Drool. Alongside his new...

7.30 7.60 112

The series follows the educational adventures of a group of African American inner-city children. ...

6.80 6.70 121

Flipper & Lopaka is an Australian animated series inspired by the iconic dolphin "Flipper." In the show, Flipper rescues a young Polynesian boy named Lopaka from drowning. Lopaka then discovers he has...

7.20 7.40 106

FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman is a fresh reality game show for kids that combines live-action and animation. The show features an animated dog named Ruff Ruffman, who creates, produces, and hosts his own r...

7.50 7.90 132

The gadget-savvy but absent-minded Inspector Gadget returns as the host of this series, providing insights and information about different regions around the world....

7.90 7.30 124

Twelve-year-old Cornelius Fillmore (voiced by Orlando Brown), once a juvenile delinquent with a criminal history, was caught stealing a shipment of chalk from the school. He was "arrested" by a safety...

7.10 7.20 90

Inspector Gill, a fish detective, maneuvers through an underwater city, solving Mafia-related crimes while steering clear of the temptations of the vamp Angel Jones and dodging the pressures of marria...

7.90 7.30 121

A journey featuring a spherical flying creature. ...

7.40 6.80 120

In the town of Willowby, a tall, slender blue dog named Foofur (voiced by Frank Welker) has taken up residence in a mansion at 32 Maple Street, which is also where he was born. Foofur's companions inc...

6.40 7.90 68