In the initial three seasons, the antagonists were generally characters that appeared only once and were introduced in separate episodes. These villains commonly aimed to take revenge on the world bec...

6.00 6.60 238

Each episode features Bheem and his friends embarking on new adventures, often involving games, festivals, and delicious food. The series is filled with humor, heart, and excitement, making it a fun a...

5.10 191

This cartoon series follows Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck as they live in a California suburb with other iconic Looney Tunes characters. The show explores the characters' friendships and interactions with...

6.50 7.10 168

This animated series uses a comedic style that differs from its predecessor, Totally Spies! While it maintains the over-expressive style of Totally Spies!, the animation itself has a distinct look. Th...

6.10 6.70 173

Pelswick is an animated series that follows the life of a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair. The show highlights his normal everyday experiences and is based on books by John Callahan. It aired on Nic...

6.40 6.40 103

Ginger Foutley, a junior high school student, navigates the challenges of social life and friendship. With her friends Darren, Dodie, and Macie, she strives to overcome her geeky image and resolve con...

8.00 7.30 162

Total Drama Island is a reality show where twenty-two teenagers compete at Camp Wawanakwa in Muskoka, Ontario. Campers participate in challenges to avoid elimination by their peers. The winner receive...

6.10 7.60 168

Lucy, a 21-year-old woman, discovers she is destined to be the Antichrist, following in her father's footsteps. She meets Jesús, the Messiah, and they begin a romantic relationship after Lucy saves h...

7.90 7.90 154

Dethklok is a fictional heavy metal band consisting of Nathan Explosion, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Pickles, William Murderface, and Toki Wartooth. Their manager is Charles Foster Offdensen.   Dethklok'...

7.10 6.30 122

Two female Japanese singers, accompanied by their ambitious manager, embark on a journey to find work. One singer is a rocker, while the other is more gentle. Their adventures take them to various loc...

7.60 7.20 153

The Justice League, first introduced in The Brave and the Bold #28, originally consisted of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter. Over the years, the te...

7.60 6.60 181

Takuma is a single man who leads a routine life, working and coming home, too exhausted to handle chores. To ease his workload, he acquires a robot named "Mina-chan" to cook and maintain the house. Wh...