Haruka Tsuchiya is a straightforward college student who owns a pet named Okojo-san. Actually, Okojo-san was brought to a pet shop to be sold after being born in a mountain in the North. Okojo-san dev...

6.52 523

Shibainuko-san, a 14-year-old girl, resembles a Shiba Inu dog in every way. Ishibashi Chako, one of her classmates, is curious about how she looks, but nobody else finds it odd. ...

5.71 396

Kousei Arima is a young piano prodigy dubbed the "Human Metronome" for his flawless and precise playing. Kousei tops every competition he enters, guided by a strict mother and his severe training, win...

8.60 8.66 535

With the implementation of stringent new morality regulations, Japan has been purified of all that is immoral and disgusting. Authorities have taken great lengths to guarantee that society remains cha...

7.00 7.25 506

An almost typical family comprising a housewife, her husband, and their two children, Yuusuke and Mikan, engage in outrageous misadventures. Crazy humor about the daily activities of this odd househol...

7.60 7.26 493

Mao made the decision to tour China after clearing the Guangzhou Special Chef Trials in order to gain more knowledge about the various cuisine preparation techniques. He will discover that the real wa...

7.10 6.42 504

Himiko, a previous Yamatai queen who has been reincarnated, has made the decision to declare war on all Kanto-based magatama users. She needs to collect the real Three Sacred Treasures of Japan in ord...

6.70 5.83 498

Unchou Kan'u, Chouhi Yokutoku, and Shokatsuryou Koumei get ready for the next leg of their adventure after winning the battle for Touka Village and getting rid of the area's bandits. They come upon a ...

6.80 6.80 460

Koihime Musou's third season. General Kashin of the Han high court () was made to take a cursed pill by Chou Jou. She doesn't like how it's slowly transforming her into a cat. Additionally, Chou Jo...

7.50 6.97 492

A young orphan named Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru steal from unwary villagers in the Sengoku era of Japan in order to make ends meet. Kotarou, however, is compelled to continue hiding out because he i...

6.21 98

A common adage goes, "You can never be too careful." Even if it seems like a pointless waste of time, it is crucial to be ready for every circumstance you may encounter. Additionally, in games like ro...

7.40 7.49 488

The young duke is sadly reminded of the heinous power imposed upon him—the ability to harm anything he touches—as the delicate, weak flower petals wither away into dead ashes. He is banished to a ...

7.20 7.63 480