In the Cosmic Era 0071, the space colony Heliopolis maintains its neutrality in the massive conflict between Coordinators—human beings whose biological features were altered before birth—and Natur...

6.80 6.65 485

"Moekan The Animation" also known as "Moekko Company" is an anime OVA (original video animation) series based on the visual novel "Moekan" by KeroQ. The series was released in 2003 and consists of thr...

5.46 477

High school student Ink Nijihara is female. Unfortunately, she is hardly recognized by her crush Nao Tezuka. She is really short, which only makes problems worse. Ink now encounters a duck, transforms...

6.40 6.39 415

This is a tale of two sisters: Mizuki, the younger sister, is haunted by the spirits while Shizuru, a high school student, can see them. Because of their limitations, their parents chose to leave the ...

6.80 7.06 412

Momoko, a young, stunning swordswoman who was born inside a peach (momo in Japanese). She resides in a tranquil paradise with her dependable friends, the dog god Inugami, the monkey god Sarugami, and ...

6.00 5.59 505

Yuki Kurihara, a second-year high school student who has been crushing on Shinya "Momo" Momotsuki since first grade, has finally worked up the guts to ask him out after capturing one hundred covert im...

6.30 7.07 485

Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasukabe are exceptional youths with psychic abilities who are entirely dissatisfied with their abnormally ordinary lives—until, unexpectedly, each of them rece...

7.00 7.46 650

Koyomi Araragi and his close-knit group of friends, including Tsubasa Hanekawa, the group's modest genius, Shinobu Oshino, the local vampire who enjoys doughnuts, Suruga Kanbaru, the athletic outcast,...

8.60 8.77 539

Before monster chicks crowded in, Kimihito Kurusu led a quiet, nondescript existence by himself because his parents were away. The cutting-edge Japan of this parallel reality is the first nation to su...

6.60 6.99 492

Humans and monsters have reconciled their differences and are at peace after years of hostilities. After the conflict, the town of Lindworm was established, and it has since grown to be the center of ...

6.10 6.53 515

Boston, 1930: Professor Alfred Jones and Montana Jones, a relative, search the globe for missing artifacts in order to bring them to museums. Professor Gerrit, Alfred's tutor, assists them by providin...

7.80 6.80 503

Japan is a stunning country that has been prosperous since antiquity and is today referred to as the Anime Kingdom. There are more creatures there than just people; Japan is the real home of anime. Li...

3.38 506