Kamome Academy is well-known for its Seven Wonders and paranormal activity rumors. The Seventh and most well-known Wonder, "Hanako-san of the Toilet," is the ghost of a young woman who purportedly hau...

7.50 7.85 555

Cheng Ke did not know Jiang Yu when he left his first job to pursue art. In addition, he began a new life as his tenant. Conflict between these two strangers in distinct work environments got started ...

7.06 596

A seemingly typical day at Dmori Elementary is disturbed by some strange occurrence, which almost always targets one of Nb's own kids. Nb feels compelled to take action and, more often than not, uses ...

6.80 7.40 574

Tomari Hinowa is an average high school student until he is informed that he must marry a mysterious creature known as Kanenogi. Their newlywed life officially began at this point. ...

5.10 5.77 590

In a post-apocalyptic future where human civilization has declined and humanity's population continues to decline, Humanity Has Declined is set. The narrative centers on an unidentified little girl wh...

7.20 7.74 580

"Jinsei: Life Consulting" is a comedic slice-of-life anime series based on the light novel series "Jinsei" written by Ougyo Kawagishi. The story revolves around Yuki Akamatsu, a boy who joins his s...

5.80 6.47 564

Asahi Kuromine, a seemingly unremarkable high school student, finds his demeanor swiftly put to the test when he sees Youko Shiragami unfolding a sizable set of wings from her back. He discovers that ...

6.50 6.86 511

JK meshi is a basic B-class cuisine that three high school ladies have mastered. Reina, Ryouka, and Ruriko are three high school students who frequently lose focus while studying for exams and end up ...

6.60 4.59 565

It is the year 1999. The generally serene and tranquil town of Morioh has recently turned into a hub of odd activities. Now a marine biologist, Joutarou Kuujou travels to the enigmatic village to see ...

8.40 8.50 550

When you're this adorable, who needs dialogue? A "silent manga" stars the lovely (but unfortunate) Momoko, the cool, collected Shibumi, and the refreshingly innocent Mayumi. No speeches or conversatio...

5.30 5.80 534

Akane Kikuchi considers her childhood aspiration of becoming a manga artist and the lack of progress she has made as she leaves for her entrance ceremony at Sainotama Girls' High School. She is shocke...

7.30 7.71 571

The first year of high school at Yamasaki Academy is exciting for Eriko and her pals Yuma and Ayano. When they tour the school before to the opening ceremony, their excitement causes them to disobey t...

6.58 546