The slice-of-life battle story takes place in a future without a third world war or alien invasion—just a regular future following the time period in which we currently live. In this world, robots a...

5.70 6.30 527

Originally, the Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy served as a high school for affluent female students. The girls requested permission to bring firearms to school when it became co-ed out of fear. When ...

6.60 6.90 553

ShiJiang, a 7-year-old man with a 21-year-old physique, is the subject of this tale. When he visits a doctor to take his prescription, this one informs him that there is nothing to worry about. After ...

6.73 536

In the not too distant future, a homeless child named Hideyoshi lives in New York and makes a career by scamming other young people in basketball games. However, he has now been selected by a professi...

6.00 6.52 550

Bolt Crank, the World's Greatest Mercenary, who possesses the power to eat any object—most commonly metal and weapons—continues his escapades. Bolt can then replicate those tools and weapons in hi...

6.70 6.69 572

Meet the metal-eating mercenary Bolt Crank, an expert in his field. He makes pit stops along the road to make a little money and occasionally saves women in trouble as he travels. His love of metal of...

7.30 6.39 417

After taking down the baby-eater who was the root of Chang'an, swordsman Xiao Yao Sheng and rookie Jianghu now find themselves drawn into a deeper mystery. The lovely Demon Fox Girl, the Bone Elves, a...

5.89 517

The Earth's resources have been depleted by humanity in the not too distant future. Mining colonies are established on the Moon to supply essential natural resources needed to support Earth's populati...

6.20 5.97 451

The protagonist of the tale is Princess Ani of Inako, a little country. Ani is dispatched to the signing ceremony that would end the conflict between Selenfaren and Mildonia, two strong militarist sta...

5.50 6.46 561

Around the world, technology has advanced since AD 2046, and ingenuity is driving this growth. Since the development of extremely robust cardboard that can withstand every hit while maintaining the in...

6.80 7.03 561