Following her close friend Koito Nagase's suicide, junior high school student Ai Ohto is briefly absent from class in the anime series. Ai is led by an enigmatic voice on a late-night stroll to a dese...

7.50 7.69 508

Akane Academy is the setting for World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman. There, students with special abilities known as Saviors receive training to combat creatures called Metaphysicals that...

6.90 6.80 497

The landscape is filled with steaming bowls of mac and cheese that simmer deep within the guts of volcanoes, mountain ranges built out of ice cream, and hamburgers that sprout out of the ground like f...

7.20 7.52 361

Four years later, Mikado City residents have gotten used to the sporadic clashes with the Neighbors and have largely resumed their regular lives. Border is now well-liked. One day, Yma Kuga, a mystery...

7.40 7.99 542

The Segua Kingdom and Ninteldo Empire are two countries engaged in conflict for control of the Consume region in this parody of the console wars. The Segua Kingdom is on the defensive after years of f...

5.50 5.70 437

Humans have built a perfectly logical society in space five hundred years after the Earth's ecosystem was destroyed and the planet became known as Terra. Supercomputers run the government, parents are...

7.50 7.89 403

Jil is still attempting to make sense of things, her spirits crushed and her mind filled with nebulous thoughts that have no clear solution. Then an enigmatic woman named Kai approaches him and reques...

6.60 7.20 432

There is supposedly a period known as the "Summer of Anu" every few years. All of the demons in the tower lose their strength that summer due to the sky-god Anu's supernatural protection. To subdue th...

6.60 7.15 466

The promise of fulfilling their greatest wishes draws special people known as "Regulars" to a tower. Everything awaits those who reach the top, including fortune, fame, power, and anything that surpas...

7.70 7.56 558

The anime adaption depicts the youthful esper Kamui Shiro experiencing several fates while the manga's ongoing serialization is on hold. In response to his mother's last wishes, Kamui makes his six-ye...

7.50 7.41 491

In the opening scene of Headmasters, Galvatron commands a fresh group of Destrons to attack Cybertron. The Cybertron Headmasters, headed by Fortress, arrive and save the Cybertrons (Cerebros, the head...

6.90 6.42 462

Nazi soldier Klaus Schmidt observes juvenile prisoner Erik Lehnherr bend a metal fence with his mind in the Auschwitz death camp in 1944 after being separated from his mother. Schmidt commands Erik to...

6.80 6.33 485