After discovering that Koichi, a young student, is the reincarnation of an extraterrestrial protector who took on the role of "defender of the Earth," Koichi/Babel joins forces with three other superp...

6.60 5.84 544

After discovering that Koichi, a young student, is the reincarnation of an extraterrestrial protector who took on the role of "defender of the Earth," Koichi/Babel joins forces with three other superp...

5.30 5.74 544

In 1711, a group of alchemists summon a demon aboard the ship Advenna Avis in an effort to attain eternal life. The spellcaster Maiza Avaro receives the elixir's recipe from the demon, along with inst...

8.20 8.38 470

The area of Ringarindo is encircled by a wall. This land is covered, safeguarded, farmed, and nourished by the wall. The foundation of this realm of Ringarindo is the wall, which is god. Back Arrow, a...

6.00 6.32 561

The main character, Baki Hanma, trains very hard to become as strong as his father, Yujiro Hanma, the world's strongest fighter. To confront Baki, five of the cruelest and most savage death row convic...

6.70 7.27 733

The main character, Baki Hanma, trains very hard to become as strong as his father, Yujiro Hanma, the world's strongest fighter. To confront Baki, five of the cruelest and most savage death row convic...

7.50 7.46 691

"Bakugan Battle Brawlers" is an action-adventure anime series that was originally based on a strategic game and a line of transforming action figure toys. The show revolves around creatures called Bak...

5.50 6.39 853

"Bakugan Gundalian Invaders" is the third season of the "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" anime series. The story revolves around a war between two alien factions, Neathia and Gundalia, who are in conflict ov...

6.00 6.27 570

"Bakugan: Battle Planet" is the reboot of the original "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" series. The show centers around a group of kids, such as the quick-thinking and resourceful Dan Kouzo, who encounter a ...

4.90 5.50 567

"Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge" is the fourth and final season of the "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" anime series. The series is a blend of action, adventure, and fantasy, centered around creatures called Ba...

6.21 599

Tohru Soma belonged to the hacker community "Steppen Wolf." In order to stop cyberterrorism, the gang decided to launch one more hacking effort against FLAK, a major military institution run by the UN...

5.70 6.43 522

Jinto and Lafiel were traveling across the Hyde System's planar space aboard the light-armed transport ship "Bokbrusue." This was for Jinto to formally rule as an Earl over the Hyde System, which was ...

7.20 7.68 622