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In this sequel series to "He-Man," the story unfolds 10,000 years into the future, where Prince Adam is unexpectedly transported from his time to defend Planet Primus. Here, he faces a new threat from...
7.40 6.80 119Lucky Luke is the legendary cowboy known for shooting faster than his own shadow. Accompanied by his clever horse, Jolly Jumper, who is renowned as the world's smartest horse, and occasionally joined ...
7.70 7.70 117The world's most famous superhero makes a triumphant return in a series of thrilling adventures set just one minute into the future. Each episode explores cutting-edge technology, emerging threats, an...
7.10 7.80 131The series follows the continued adventures of the masked hero of Spanish California, a swashbuckling figure who fights for justice and defends the oppressed. With his quick wit and skilled swordsmans...
7.20 7.10 126This series delves into the deeper and more intense adventures of Batman, featuring a new Robin who steps into the role with fresh energy and unique challenges. As Batman faces increasingly formidable...
7.30 6.10 122This show follows a classic Hanna-Barbera formula from the 1970s, featuring a group of teens and their lovable creature sidekick as they embark on adventures and solve mysteries. The main characters�...
7.30 6.50 119In this unique series, Huckleberry Finn and his friends, Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher, embark on adventures through various animated worlds, with the persistent villain Injun Joe always in pursuit. T...
6.90 6.80 110The series follows the teenage misadventures of the children of the Flintstones and the Rubbles as they navigate the challenges of adolescence in their prehistoric world. Fred and Wilma Flintstone's d...
6.20 6.30 110A young man discovers that he is a prince tasked with a vital mission to save his world. To accomplish this, he must embark on an adventurous quest to locate 13 magical treasures of rule. As he journe...
8.00 7.60 108The series is set in the 23rd century on a diverse desert planet called New Texas, blending elements of science fiction with western themes. Like other Filmation productions such as "He-Man and the Ma...
7.10 7.20 78This cartoon features Bruce Willis as the voice of an 11-year-old boy named Bruno, who becomes a top spy for a covert espionage organization called Globe. Unbeknownst to Globe, which contacts Bruno th...
7.60 7.90 113