Misaki Yata, a young man known for his impulsive and immature behavior, is ostracized by his classmates. Saruhiko Fushimi, a solitary figure with a pessimistic outlook on life, finds himself drawn to ...

7.38 7.44 258

Sukuna Gojo, a young man disillusioned by his wealthy parents' oppressive control, escapes his privileged home. He ventures into the streets, relying on an SNS app called JUNGLE to sustain himself. Th...

7.02 7.15 188

Misaki Yata, a young man known for his impulsive and immature behavior, is ostracized by his classmates. Saruhiko Fushimi, a solitary figure with a pessimistic outlook on life, finds himself drawn to ...

7.23 7.44 194

Kyrie Florian, her sister Amitie, and their parents live on Eltria, a dying planet. Kyrie's parents are scientists trying to save Eltria. Unfortunately, Kyrie's father falls ill and needs medical trea...

7.16 7.44 206

Several months have elapsed since the Jewel Seed incident, and Nanoha Takamachi eagerly anticipates Fate Testarossa's return from her trial with the Administrative Bureau. Fate, having received condit...

8.04 8.12 216

The Straw Hats are on a quest to find a doctor for their sick friend Nami. They arrive at Drum Island, but the only doctor left is the reclusive Dr. Kureha, who lives at the top of a mountain. Luffy a...

7.23 7.44 254

After the Earth was ravaged by mysterious alien lifeforms called Gauna, humanity's remnants fled into space aboard the colossal generation ship Sidonia. For centuries, Sidonia drifted through the cosm...

7.14 7.44 194

After narrowly surviving a catastrophic encounter with a gigantic Gauna, resulting in the loss of countless human lives, Kobayashi, the captain of the spaceship Sidonia, undergoes a profound shift in ...

7.45 7.72 189

Kei, a high school student, is thrown into a world of unexpected horror when he discovers that he, along with at least forty-six others, has become immortal. Unfortunately, this extraordinary ability ...

7.11 7.43 195

Kei, a high school student, discovers he has immortality. However, his newfound ability is not seen as a blessing but as a threat. Both the public and governments consider him a rare specimen to be st...

7.14 7.22 216

Balot, a troubled teenager, is taken in by a casino manager named Shell who offers her a luxurious lifestyle. Grateful for his generosity, she becomes curious about his motives and starts investigatin...

7.24 7.42 241

Under Yamato’s guidance, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sai are assigned to capture Mukade, a rogue ninja pursuing the ancient chakra Ryuumyaku hidden beneath the Rouran ruins. Despite the Fourt...

7.15 7.42 305