In the 21st century, mankind lives on two worlds. Following the collision of an ice asteroid, massive terraforming has made Venus a planet now capable of supporting life. Colonists from Earth tamed th...

4.44 6.76 249

Violent misfortunes frequently occur around 16-year-old Yuuta Okkotsu, a timid victim of high school bullying. Yuuta is saddled with a monstrous curse, a power that dishes out brutal revenge against h...

7.67 8.67 394

In the Sengoku period of Japan, a young orphan named Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru steal from unsuspecting villagers in order to make ends meet. However, Kotarou is forced to remain on the run when he ...

7.89 7.67 339

Forty-one years ago on Planet Vegeta, home of the infamous Saiyan warrior race, King Vegeta noticed a baby named Broly whose latent power exceeded that of his own son. Believing that Broly's power wou...

7.65 8.17 340

Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with ...

4.56 5.67 296

The world of dreams can be an incredible window into the psyche, showing one's deepest desires, aspirations, and repressed memories. One hopeful tech lab has been developing the "DC Mini," a device wi...

8.01 8.12 177

Two years ago, Glory started out as just another MMORPG, but its real-world influence has grown as more countries begin to recognize esports as an official sport. Now, in China, arrangements are being...

7.41 7.89 233

Lelouch Lamperouge's dreams of destroying the Holy Britannian Empire are slowly crumbling. His sister, Nunnally, has been kidnapped by Schneizel el Britannia, and Suzaku Kururugi is ignoring his despe...

6.45 7.96 336

The Holy Britannian Empire is a powerful nation that uses its military strength to expand its rule, and the small island nation of Japan is yet another victim. During a worldwide conflict in 2010 know...

6.88 7.66 376

Izuku "Deku'' Midoriya and his fellow students in Class 1-A of UA High's hero course have been chosen to participate in a safety program on Nabu Island. To further improve their skills and gain experi...

6.89 7.66 357

Goro briefly returns to Japan after a triumphant campaign in the US. He is heading towards Fukuoka where he played baseball when he was a fifth grader. Having just moved into a new town, this is where...

7.67 7.96 294

After a curse turned him into a pig, World War I ace Marco Pagot becomes Porco Rosso, a mysterious bounty hunter who takes down sky pirates in the Adriatic Sea. He whiles away his days on a secluded i...

6.78 7.89 259