The exploits of five teens are chronicled in A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens on Machines), which takes place in the imagined Landmark City. The main character Axel Manning, along with Catalina Leone, Crey Kings...

6.90 368

Sonic the Hedgehog, a cocky, cheeky, but good-hearted teenage hedgehog with the ability to move at supersonic speeds, is the star of the comedic, lighthearted, and gag-driven adventure series Adventur...

6.20 453

When King Julien XII (also known as Uncle King Julien), a very stern and cowardly ring-tailed lemur, is prophesied to be eaten by fossa (spelled and pronounced "foosa"), he abdicates his throne in fav...

7.10 394

"In the near future, Doc Terror and his cyborg companion Hacker unleashed their forces to conquer Earth! Only one force can stop this evil: a handful of brave men. In specially created exo-frames, the...

7.60 282

A race of organic beings with human-like characteristics known as GoBeings lived on the planet GoBotron in the Proxima System thousands of years ago, according to the series' history. When the ruthles...

6.30 370

The Justice League of America battles the plots of the supervillian team, the Legion of Doom. ...

7.50 376

In this vibrant continuation of the beloved Chip and Dale saga, the two iconic chipmunks reunite after decades apart, each having taken very different paths. Chip, now a successful yet unfulfilled ins...

7.60 392

The show centers on a trio of kung fu-trained chickens who live and work in a sprawling city-sized mall owned by their nemesis, Dr. Wasabi. Each chicken brings unique skills to the team, using their m...

4.10 428

Chris Colorado is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth devastated by a catastrophic event known as The Great Crash, caused by a data-processing flaw that prevented the detection of a meteorite impact. In t...

8.20 369

In this epic adventure, the alignment of the planets on New Year's Eve unleashes the formidable time titan Cronus from his millennia-long imprisonment in Tartarus. The ancient prophecy foretells that ...

7.10 384

In Cleopatra in Space, Cleopatra finds herself unexpectedly thrust 30,000 years into the future, landing on a planet reminiscent of ancient Egypt but populated by talking cats. As she navigates the ch...

6.70 379

Josh and Emily, a couple in their early 30s, live in a Los Angeles duplex with their young daughter, Candice. Their close friends, Alex and Bridgette, who are divorced, share the space as well. While ...

7.80 369